MDChange Product Family Enhancements in version 8.6
February 2, 2025 (8.6.8)
- When the RUNSQLSTM command is used during the install phase of an RFP in order to execute an SQL script, the log for the script execution is stored in the RFP Deployment Log for auditing and troubleshooting purposes.
- In RFP Deployment Log, log each object request that gets added to a Send RFP
- Log Object Requests that are manually deleted from a Send RFP in table MDCMS/MDDDSLG
- Multiple Job Threads for copying to a file - an MDRapid Template can now be defined to use multiple jobs for concurrent copying of data to the same file. Default is 3 jobs at minimum 200,000 records per job. When using 3-5 jobs, preparation time for the deployment of a file can be reduced by up to 70%. The columns to uniquely identify each row must be defined in MDTransform for more than 1 job to be used (automatic if table includes a unique key or primary key constraint).
- If a table is modified and converted to a partitioned table at the same time, this is now handled by using the R1 (MDRapid pre-copy) command type to define the partitioning definition.
- The amount of time that it took to reach the sync point in MDRapid after the copy portion is complete is now logged and visible from the MDRapid console.
- CPU and memory utilization has been optimized through the splitting of copying and monitoring into separate jobs for a given file. So, even if a single job is used to copy the data, 2 jobs will be active during the copy phase. There is still only 1 job during the sync/idle phase.
January 21, 2025
- MDCMS HTTP Server installer for REST APIs and MDOpen connectivity improved, including ability to:
- Replace existing server without deleting first
- fully configure SSL port with or without a non-SSL port
- http config significantly reduced in size/complexity and directives added to improve performance of CGI jobs
MDOpen for VS Code
- When a source member is opened in MDOpen for VS Code, the user library list of the Code for IBM i connection will be automatically set to equal the library list of the job description of the Promotion Level that the member relates to. If opening a member in a developer library, the developer library will be set as the current library. This is especially helpful for being able to navigate into copybooks from RPG source.
- QuickSearch enabled for Active RFPs to quickly list RFPs by RFP number, User, Project, Task, Application or Level
- The job log entries for the data copy and sync jobs are now fully integrated in the RFP Deployment Log for centralized troubleshooting and auditing. The job log entries appear for a MDRapid job once the job has ended.
- Direct navigation to the RFP Deployment log from MDRapid file details in green screen or MDOpen for VS Code.
- Allow the Ignore Errors flag for R1 (pre-MDRapid copy) and R3 (post-MDRapid copy) commands to be N so that resolution of the error is forced before the installation of the RFP is permitted.
January 15, 2025
MDOpen for VS Code
- Compare with Branch - this feature has now been added to VS Code for Active RFPs, Installed RFPs and RFPs in the Send Listing. Besides comparing and merging differences and conflicts, you can also trace the requests for the RFP and the compared branch and view/filter by the origin level for the RFP request and the Branch request.
- Pre- and Post-MDRapid Copy command exit points added. These can be useful for applying new features, such as field procedures, prior to or after the bulk copy of the data from the prior version of a table.
January 8, 2025 (8.6.7)
- Object Approval Templates - Object Approval Templates allow for the definition of one or more Approval Groups responsible for approving an RFP for Installation. The templates are assigned at the Object level for a high degree of granularity.
- All wildcard variables can now be used for the naming and SQL condition of linked checkouts
- Performance Enhancements for the Object History Report
December 22, 2024 (8.6.6)
- Ignore Dependencies parameter for Attributes - when set to Y (true), any dependencies will still be shown when explicitly taking the option to request dependencies, but they won't be displayed in the Pre-Submit warning dialog or be auto-requested during a Continuous Integration process.
- When auto-requesting Data Groups during Continuous Integration, skip the copy of data into the checkout library if data for the data group keys already exists in the checkout library.
- ServiceNow interface - Webhook now available so that the MDSNOW job can auto-start and checking for new/changed data can be reduced.
- ServiceNow interface - export of the MDCMS Project ID, Task number, Subtask number or combination of those values is now possible to custom fields for a Service Now task.
- MDCMS now cleanly handles having function and views using the functions in the same RFP. Also, MDCMS no longer includes views in MDRapid processing (unless for reason Update) as they are recompiled during the install process anyways and the creation is very fast.
MDOpen for VS Code
- In the Active Objects listing, if a compile has been attempted and compile log data existing, clicking on the create status value (Created, Warnings, Error) will now open the Compile log listing instead of the spooled file for faster troubleshooting. The spooled file can still be opened from the options list for a row.
- Active Object requests can now be filtered by the status of Not Done, which is anything in To-Do or In Progress status.
December 16, 2024 (8.6.5)
- Git - Webhook handling for tracking the remote creation and merge of Pull Requests. NOTE - If using Git for Continuous Integration, add the Pull Request webhook events from MDOpen for VS Code or directly on the Git server.
- Git - Automatically send non-git RFPs to the target level of a merged Pull Request and place all objects together on the same RFP, once a Pull Request is merged.
- Git - up to 9 concurrent MDGIT jobs can run, with each Git Repository assigned to up to 3 different MDGIT job queues. This provides for rapid handling of a very large number of Git Repositories as well as multiple clones a single repository when many concurrent branches are being processed.
- Git - significant logging enhancements for Git Webhook Deliveries and Git Pull Requests
- Git - option to have Object Requester for merged RFPs be the Pull Request merger or the original requester on the source branch.
- Git - when a branch is deleted on the server, automatically delete the branch for any clones on the IBM i.
- Developer Library Naming templates - specific the Authority Template to apply to new source files.
- MDADDREQ - automatically create developer library and source file when not existing for a *MIGRATE request. When creating, apply authorities based on Developer Library naming templates.
- Attribute Creation Wizard - option to automatically create missing IFS folders for new attributes.
- Option to use Secure IBM i Host Server ports for MDGIT, MDMAIL and MDSIGN java services.
November 24, 2024
- Azure Interface - the Application and Level fields on tasks can be imported from Azure workitems using special values *appl and *level
- MDGIT timeout increased from 5 minutes to 15 minutes to accomodate very large git repositories
MDOpen for VS Code
- Git Repository Attribute Mapping Wizard - when using the option Attribute Mapping for a Git Repository, click the Missing Paths link to see all distinct relative path/file type combinations that aren't yet mapped to MDCMS attributes and easily add them to the mapping list.
- QuickSearch added for Tasks, Active Object Requests and Installed Object Requests
- Continuous Integration definitions can now be disabled by unchecking both the Request Objects and Request Source checkboxes.
- An entire MDTest Automated Testing template can now be manually run and tracked from the Template batches view.
November 17, 2024 (8.6.4)
- 2nd Level Job Log text is now captured and retained for RFP Deployment Logs and RFP Send Logs to provide additional information for troubleshooting issues
- The performance of Git Continuous Integrations has been further optimized to reduce delays between the push of commits and the request of objects
- Excel files that are generated from MD Reports (such as RFP Deployment Logs) now auto-wrap long strings and auto-set the height of rows to make the strings visible when opening the file.
- The table storing IFS information is now 50% smaller in size and building of IFS information in MDXREF is considerably faster now.
MDOpen for VS Code
- IFS Search function - when IFS or IFSMD is built in MDXREF, the IFS files can be searched by name, path, size, last modified date or content. Additionally, the size and count of all file in a directory (including sub-directories) is displayed per folder.
- The RFP Send History can now be filtered by the target RFP number
- An excel report can be generated for any MDOpen metadata editor (object request details, RFP details, settings details, etc.)
October 27, 2024
MDOpen for VS Code
- MD Configuration Report - Under Settings->System->Create Configuration Report, a list of all available MDCMS configuration tables are listed. One, more, or all tables can be selected and they are then exported to your PC as a multi-sheet xlsx file. Performing this from MDOpen instead of MDCMS provides the result file far faster and without concern for out-of-memory errors.
- Creation of Indexes and Views reverted to wait until the bulk insert of records is complete, unless the LF is uniquely keyed. The sort sequence is otherwise maintained to ensure shared access paths are built correctly.
- Wait to drop the insert trigger on the new version of a keyed file until a lock is obtained on the file in the MDRapid library, in case queries of the transformed data are active.
October 13, 2024
- Data Copy Templates - files existing in a library can be omitted by default so that new files aren't automatically included.
- Data Copy Templates - the MDCPYDATA command now includes the Email to Group and Email to User parameters so that the Data Copy Log can be automatically emailed to user(s) upon completion.
MDOpen for VS Code
- The RFP Detail panel now provides a count of the number of objects in the RFP and when clicked, the object listing is displayed.
- The RFP Detail panel displays the original, prior and next RFP in relation to the current RFP. If another RFP is on the same system, the number can be clicked to easily navigate to the other RFP.
- The RFP Detail panel displays the MDRapid install option and window.
- A specific journal name and library can be defined on the MDRapid template to use for temporary journaling of live files with journaling or for tracking inserts on the new version of the files. This is useful when a mirroring tool also needs to mirror the MDRapid temporary libraries.
- A Workload Group can be defined on the MDRapid template. Any MDRapid job will then use that Workload Group to limit the number of processors utilized.
- A final check of all indexes and views that were created using MDRapid is done prior to installation in case a created index/view was since manually deleted. The installation will be canceled and the missing logical files will be marked as missing. Meanwhile, MDRapid syncing will continue so that a reset isn't necessary.
October 6, 2024
- In the 5250 object listings for RFPs, Send RFPs and Send History, the object lists can now be filtered by Object Name and Object Attribute
- Auto-Merge of a Send RFP will no longer occur when a new RFP is installed and the existing Send RFP has already been successfully sent to one or more targets. A manual merge is still available and the pre-submit warning will still occur.
- When Linked Objects are already requested in locked mode for a different RFP and Branch, the linked objects will be requested for the new branch in unlocked mode during Continuous Integration of a Git commit.
September 30, 2024
- Copy from Library parameter for *DATA and *DTAGRP attributes - by default, when a data/dtagrp attribute is checked out, the records are copied from the target level. However, if the data should be copied from a different library, such as the production copy library, this can now be defined for the attribute.
- Warning Status for object creation in developer libraries - when the object is created in the developer library, but one or more commands had an exception, the status for the Object Request will be set to Warnings, to make it clear that a command exception occurred.
- Git Branch names may now include trailing comments - if branch names should include comments beyond the Project/Task ID, the comments can be appended to the branch name and MDCMS will still be able to assign the object requests on the branch to the appropriate project/task.
September 23, 2024 (8.6.3)
- Git Branches can now be created and published automatically when a Task is created or reaches a particular status
- The target application and level for continuous integration can be mapped based on the Task Type
- The automatic deletion of developer libraries can be defined to wait until installation has occured at or above a defined level.
MDOpen for VS Code
- Manage rules for the creation of Git Branches
- View/Create Git Branches for a Task
September 16, 2024
- When the MDSEND job is submitted for handling the send of RFPs to remote targets, automatically append the MD Service User's initial library list to the job's library list. The user's library list is defined in the job description that is applied to the Service User's user profile.
MDOpen for VS Code
- QuickSearch feature for MDXREF Objects and Source - a QuickSearch icon has been added to the MDOpen function menu for MDXREF->Objects and MDXREF->Source to quickly search for an object or source name in MDXREF
September 6, 2024
MDOpen for VS Code
- Source and Objects can now be requested from the developer's workspace directly from the Explorer extension in VS Code. The requests can be made based on Continuous Integration rules for a Git repository definition or for the new Workspace Repository definitions for non-Git folder structures.
- All source and objects that are requested from the Workspace or via Git will be automatically copied to the developer's folder or library on checkout to allow for local referencing and editing prior to deployment.
- Source and Objects that were requested from the workspace or via Git can be synced between the IBM i and the workspace. This allows for efficient edting, compiling and unit testing in the developer library before then syncing back to the workspace or for making further edits in the workspace and syncing back to existing object requests without an immediate commit and push to Git.
- IFS and Remote objects that are requested via Git or the VS Code workspace can be renamed using the Rename option for an Object Request in MDOpen for VS Code
- The interactive RFP Submit process now waits until all warning and error panels are processed before displaying the Submit RFP confirmation panel. This provides for better visibility of the warnings and errors and provides a more intuitive experience.
August 18, 2024
MDOpen for VS Code
- Deployment Flow Diagram - view a diagram showing the flow between levels across partitions for an Application. Available as option from Settings->Environment Settings->Applications.
- Ability to provide a comment when passing or failing a manual step
- run tests under user for Job Description of target level to ensure correct authority for tests
August 9, 2024
MDOpen for VS Code
- A Git Repository definition now has the parameter URL Value in Webhook. This can be populated with the value from the git webhook in case the clone URL for the repository doesn't match the URL provided from the Git server after the push of a commit.
- A log of the attempted creation of Pull Requests can now be viewed for a Git Repository. Additionally, the option to repeat the creation attempt is available for each entry.
July 28, 2024
MDOpen for VS Code
- Option "Move to RFP" for Send RFP Object Requests to easily move 1 or more objects to a different RFP in the Send Listing.
- Ability to filter objects for a Send RFP by name, attribute, request reason or project/task/subtask
July 17, 2024 (8.6.2)
- All MD Service jobs are now standardized to run under the profile defined in the System Settings for parameter MD Service User. Special value *MDOWNER can be used to continue having the jobs run under the profile for the product owner. The java-based service jobs also use this profile rather than the now deprecated Java Service user.
MDOpen for VS Code
- Any user profile field in the list and detail views can be hovered over to see the name of the user
- Object Requests can be filtered by object type
- Option "Move to RFP" for Object Requests to easily move 1 or more objects to a different RFP.
- Documentation for MDTest views are directly accessible from the views by clicking on the Info icon at the top of the view. This feature will be rolled out over time to all views within MDOpen.
- Various performance improvements
June 15, 2024
- When Continuous Integration is triggered by a Git webhook for a higher level (such as QA or production), MDCMS will check if a non-Git RFP already exists for the same Task and merge the Git and non-Git objects together into that RFP. This is helpful when non-Git objects such as Data Areas or similar were modified as part of the same Task.
MDOpen for VS Code
- Option to Ignore Certificate Errors for Connection - checkbox added to connection parameters to ignore certificate errors for https connections to the MDCMS apache server, in case of a self-signed certificate or non-matching CN.
- Option Copy to New Object for active object requests. This option provides a very convenient way to generate a new object based on the properties of an existing object. If the existing request is a checkout for modification, the copy from parameters will also automatically point to the checked out source or object.
May 28, 2024
MDOpen for VS Code
- Within MDXREF, option Message Descriptions has been enabled for message files. When selected, all messages in the file are displayed and can be filtered. Additionally, one or more message IDs can be requested for modification or deletion.
- Message descriptions, including severity and second-level text, can be edited for an object request of type *MSGD. If data fields or other advanced parameters are used, green screen is still required for editing those parameters.
- When requesting to add a new message ID, enter at least 3 characters for the message ID and MDOpen will automatically provide the next available message ID.
May 13, 2024
- Continuous Integrations - Each CI definition can now target a different Branch for a Git Pull Request. For example, the install of an RFP from a non-specific branch CI can generate a Pull Request for a merge into a QA branch. Then the install of an RFP for the QA branch can generate a Pull Request for a merge into the main branch.
- Continuous Integrations - Parameter "Level is Target of a Merge" has been added. When true, the target application level doesn't have to be a checkout level. This allows for the push of changes to a QA or production level.
- Ability to locally send only non-Git requests to another level - if your application includes objects that aren't managed in Git, you can now easily send them to the next level while automatically ignoring all requests that originated in Git. To do so, set Local Distribution Reason to value "Non-Git Requests" for the Distribution Level.
May 7, 2024
- The compile log is automatically generated for a program or module when the compile phase of an RFP fails for the object, so that the information is available to the developer without having to try to create under the same conditions in the developer library.
- The compile log is now capable of positioning to an erroring row even when copybook expansion occurs prior to the execution of the SQL pre-compiler. Additionally, in VS Code (from 8.7 also RDi), the view displays the exact copybook the row is in and will open the copybook to display the row. If the copybook is also checked out to the developer, it will automatically be opened for edit.
- MDTest_Start_Timer and MDTest_End_Timer procedures to place on each side of a process such as a set of one or more program calls or procedure call so that performance measurements and logging can reported for that process while allowing the developer to easily and natively invoke those calls.
- View the batch job information from the MDTest Jobs view.
- Click on the active job status for an active MDTest Job to view the job log
- Ability to specify a delay before the batch job begins processing to allow for a service job and debugging to be put in place.
April 28, 2024
- New command type RFP Ready to Install. Command type IR is invoked when auto-install is false and: approval is complete and MDRapid is not needed for RFP or MDRapid is needed and the install sync point has been reached
MDOpen for VS Code
- Ability to package all new patches into a Send RFP. When the Check for Updates option is selected and one or patches are available, the user can now provide a Project, Task and RFP description and all of the patches will be placed automatically in a new Send RFP for distribution of the patches to other partitions. The pre-requisite is that the MD configuration settings application is defined on the local and target partitions and that the *IFS attribute pointing at /MDCMS/PATCHES is defined.
April 6, 2024
- When prompting to change the status for a Project or Task, MDCMS will by default only show those codes that are eligible. In MDCMS and VS Code, the user may toggle the listing to view all codes and the reason why the other codes are ineligible.
- Continuous Integration - the auto-create of objects into the developer library and the auto-submit of the RFP can now both be true. When this is the case, the auto-submit will only occur if all objects could be successfully created.
- Continuous Integration - granular messaging in the Git Webhook Deliveries listing when there is an issue
- Git Repository cloning will now also automically clone any sub-modules for the repo
April 1, 2024
- Option to Auto-Delete temporary developer libraries/folders. Parameter "Automatic Deletion Libraries/Folders" has been added to the Developer Library Naming templates. When set to true (Y), developer libraries and folders will be deleted by the MDCLEAN process once there aren't any open object requests to migrate from the location and the last checkout was at least 1 day prior.
- Attribute Mapping for Git Repositories. Option added for Git Repositories to map MD Attributes based on generic patterns for the repository path and file name. *NONE can also be used for the MD Attribute value to omit certain paths and/or files from Continuous Integration.
March 26, 2024
- Objects for Linked Attributes of type *DATA, *DTAGRP or *DUMMY will automatically be checked out when applicable when a Git Push triggers a Continuous Integration definition.
MDOpen for VS Code
- Significant enhancements for Sending RFPs via VS Code, including the ability to remotely approve and install RFPs on remote targets.
March 18, 2024
- password length for the SMTP user defined for the MDMAIL service increased from 40 characters to 128 characters
MDOpen for VS Code
- Links to Send Listing and Send History from Projects and Tasks
- Ability to add an RFP to the Send Listing containing requests from Object History
March 12, 2024 (8.6.1)
- Object, Attribute and RFP scripts are no longer fixed to the /MDCMS/SCRIPTS root path. They may be defined to exist in any path.
- Wildcards may be used in the Object, Attribute and RFP Script path definition so that it can be automatically different per environment.
- The Object or Attribute Script name may be set to *OBJECT. This means that the requested object itself is the script, making it easy to deploy and run a script on the same RFP.
- When an object lock occurs during RFP deployment, each job that is or was blocking the continuation of the RFP is logged to table MDCMS/MDDOLCK. Additionally, when using MDOpen for VS Code, a Lock icon will appear on the RFP in the listing and can be clicked to view the lock information. The information is also available after the lock is resolved and the RFP is installed by using option Locked Objects during Deploy in MDOpen for VS Code.
- The compile ordering for display and printer files have been changed to occur after SQL views in case the files reference fields in the views.
- The target Application for a Continuous Integration definition can be set to special value of *APPL, in order to dynamically select the application based on the application code stored for the task that will be used for the Object Request assignment. If the level number is 0 on the CI definition, then the level will also be retrieved from the task. If the task level is 0, then the lowest level for the application that allows checkout will be used.
- the RFP submitter in the log is set to *AUTO when auto-submitted after being received onto a target partition
- When MDCMS creates a new, empty IFS file, it will create it in UTF-8 format for seamless portability
- The MDFTP service is now written in RPG rather than java for significantly better performance and faster enhancements in the future.
- The DDM connection defined for an IBM i location can be secured by setting parameter Secure Connection to *TLS (recommended) or *SSL
MDOpen for VS Code
- The compile log for programs can be accessed from within the Create Object listing as well as from the Active Objects listing. When a code row number is clicked on from within the Compile Log, the editor for the source is opened and the cursor is positioned to the row.
- Submission and Approval Info shown in RFP Install confirmation view.
- FTP server log accessible from the FTP Servers listing
February 15, 2024
When using MDTransform for the Data Copy templates, retain values for all columns when there is a mix of overidable and non-overidable generated always columns, and copying between 2 libraries on the same partition. When copy from a library on a remote partition, automatically generate new values for the non-overidable generated always columns, as Db2 for i doesn't support retaining remote values.
MDOpen for VS Code
- When the user clicks on a Project or Task status from the listing, the Change Status panel now shows every valid status to transition to first followed by all other status codes. The specific reason why a status code may not be selected is displayed to make it very easy to understand why.
- filter Installed RFPs by RFP user
- several ergonomic enhancements for User Groups and User Group Types
- when selecting the request reason when creating new object requests, automatically unselect any other reason for the same object
February 3, 2024
In the audit log for an RFP, the Submitter, Approver, Installer or Sender will be set to *AUTO instead of a user when the action is automatic. If the action was triggered by a status transition, then value *STSTRG will be used.
MDOpen for VS Code
- When requesting to add a new RFP from the Active RFP listing, filter values from the listing will pre-populate the fields for the new RFP.
- When filtering the Active RFP listing by project or task, but not by object, status or a different user, empty RFPs for the same user will be included in the listing.
January 29, 2024
Project/Task Status Boundaries for the Send of an RFP now takes into account the impacted projects/tasks on the same object in other, open RFPs in the send listing, in order to avoid unintentional distribution of untested changes.
MDOpen for VS Code
- User Preferences for list column order, hidden columns and row sorting are retained from session to session across devices
January 21, 2024
Performance and stability enhancements for the MDCMS Rest APIs
ability to interact with Bitbucket Data Center and updates for Jira Data Center
January 16, 2024
MDOpen for VS Code
Define User Mapping for Git Repositories
various performance and stability enhancements
January 4, 2024
Project/Task Status Transition triggers for the Submit of RFPs now have a new parameter – Cancel Submit when Merge Warnings exist.
When true, the submit will not proceed if Pre-Submit warnings exist for:
merging with existing requests into the next level after the target level
merging with existing requests in the Send listing
requests are in the process of being installed on another RFP for the same level
Additionally, the installation error exit point (command type 4) is invoked to notify appropriate users of failure to submit.
MDOpen for VS Code
The following functions have been added to MDOpen for VS Code:
Import of Objects from a Library
Import of Source from a Library
Management of Webhooks for Git Repositories
December 16, 2023
MDOpen for VS Code
When copying a Task Type, the options are now provided to copy the custom fields, status transitions and project type enablement from the original task type to the new task type.
December 14, 2023
Attribute Command Enhancements
- *ALL can be used for the attribute value so that the command will be run for all attributes of a given promotion level for either any object type or for a specific object type
* generic attribute values to be able to include the attribute command for all attributes matching the generic value. As with *ALL, this can be for any object type or for a specific object type.
new flag to specify if a command should be run when a more specific command for the same command type is defined. An object-specific command is the most specific, then an attribute-specific command, then a generic attribute command and finally a *ALL attribute command. This allows having some commands at different levels of specificity be configured to always run or to be overridden.
For every command type, the commands across all levels of specificity are now sorted by sequence, so an attribute command may be run before an object-specific command if the sequence number is lower
Reusable Object Command Enhancements
generic object name values to be able to include the object command for all objects matching the generic value.
new flag to specify if a command should be applied when a more specific command for the same command type is defined. An object-specific command is the most specific, then a generic object command. This allows having some commands at different levels of specificity be configured to always run or to be overridden.
Installation Error exit point for Attribute and Object commands
The Installation Error command type 4 can now be used at the object level. This command type will be invoked once per object that had been installed and then automatically rolled back during the RFP install rollback phase. The command is performed immediately after the prior version of the object is moved back into the application library.
Logging of RFP Pre-Submit warnings
When warnings exist for an RFP to be submitted and the RFP is submitted anyways, all warnings and the objects involved with the warning are logged along with the date, time and user that ignored the warnings. If the warnings related to merging of objects with existing RFPs at the next level or in the send list, the decision of how to handle the merge is also logged.
The log table is MDCMS.MDDRFPW and is available from the MD Logs in MDOpen or Logging in the MDCMS Setup Menu.
RFP Pre-Submit Warning for Missing Dependencies for Service Programs Enhancements
Modules are ignored
Programs and Service Programs will only be listed if the signature differs
NOTE - MDXREF should be completely rebuilt after upgrading to 8.6 in order to be aware of the signatures. If not rebuilt, all program and service program dependencies will continue to be listed.
Distribution of Programs with Adopted Authority
When a program object to be sent to a remote partition has USRPRF(*OWNER) for adopted authority, the parameter will be temporarily changed to *USER before sending and then automatically reverted to *OWNER when received on the target partition.
Additionally, if performing a local send to another branch on the same partition and the restore of *OWNER objects isn’t allowed, then the automatic change/restore will also occur.
Project and Task Links
Links can now be registered for Projects and Tasks and can be maintained and viewed from MDOpen or MDWorkflow. The types of Links available are:
File attachments
File Links
Other Projects/Tasks
Automated Unit Testing
MDTest now available as an add-on to MDChange. Some highlights:
Rich feature set for fast and powerful configuration of unit testing
May be automated as part of RFP process with quality gates to ensure test boundaries are met
includes code coverage and performance testing
Additional MDTest License required. Full details available from here: MDTest Product Documentation
Position to Creation Date in Task Listing
The creation date for Tasks is now included in the Task views and positioning can be used to start the list at a given creation date.