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MDChange Product Family Fixes in version 8.6

September 6, 2024


  • Any remote directory paths will be recursively created when deploying a remote file via SFTP. This already occurred for FTP/FTPS.
  • Auto-create a source file for SQL source when generating the source member from an existing DDS-described file and the source file doesn't exist yet.
  • Fix addition of a Send RFP script from an installed RFP script
  • Fix possible machine check on send of RFP
  • Fix Send Data exit point for copying only portion of a table for distribution to a target system
  • Fix auto-start for the MDFTP and MDSFTP service jobs

MDOpen for VS Code

  • fix application code filter for application and level listings
  • fix possible rendering issue for the Deployment Flow Diagram


  • Fix possible counting error for number of users assigned to an MDSEC role

August 18, 2024


  • fix retrieval of MDCMS apache server ports when the conf file has varying types of line delimiters

MDOpen for VS Code

  • fix caching of IFS files. If an IFS file such as an MD log file changes in the background, you can now just close and re-open the file to get the latest information in the file.
  • fix possible machine check for the Active Objects listing


  • fix links between batches and job reports
  • add URL links to remaining MDTest panels

August 9, 2024


  • fix start-up of the MDSIGN job during the RFP signature process
  • fix submission of additional jobs when MDCPYDATA is executed
  • fix potential MCH3601 error when preparing runtime values for object-specific scripts
  • fix status and message update when processing the creation of a Git Pull Request
  • switch GitHub authentication for Rest APIs from basic to Bearer tokens

August 2, 2024


  • performance improvements for MDAZUR service job to import Azure DevOps Work Items
  • fix creation of GitHub or Bitbucket webhook on a git push event

MDOpen for VS Code

  • fix ability to edit the Task Summary

July 28, 2024


  • fix logging for the KACE interface

MDOpen for VS Code

  • fix content-assist for project when adding object to a Send RFP


  • re-enable tables for rich text descriptions

July 17, 2024 (8.6.2)


  • Auto-cleanup created SQL elements when an RFP is restarted partly through the compile stage
  • Improvements made to knowledge of pending and failed MD Service jobs to limit automatic retries to every 10 seconds to avoid cluttering message queues or job queues.

MDOpen for VS Code

  • fix error when selecting the Distribution Parameters option for an IBM i Location


  • avoid copying credentials for a MDWorfklow user when copying to a new user

June 17, 2024


  • MDJIRA - Fix possibility of Issue Description being applied to wrong MDCMS Task.
  • MDJIRA - Avoid prolonged pulling of most recent issue for a stale project to reduce response payload size and improve performance.
  • Fix ability to execute update commands for tables prior to MDRapid processing.

June 15, 2024


  • Fix filtering of the RFP listing by Task or Subtask numbers when they are more than 5 digits.

May 13, 2024

MDOpen for VS Code

  • fix ability to open subtask directly from object request row, when the Project value containing the subtask is clicked on.

  • fix display of the local distribution reason in the Distribution Level editor.

May 7, 2024


  • fix authority checking for a user for creating projects and tasks

April 28, 2024


  • fix MDCMS Task report when the subtask column isn't included
  • all MDCMS reports are now exported in UTF-8 format to avoid difficulty with display of special characters
  • fix MDSEC authority checking in the MDCMS Send Listing

April 16, 2024


  • fix MDSEC authorization checking in the Object Manager
  • alter sort of requested Service Programs for an RFP to be Service Programs requested for modification and those binding modules requested for modification first. Then, any purely for recompile/update afterwards to ensure signature changes are picked up by dependent service programs occur. For multiple modified service programs, dependencies are considered as well.
  • The pre-submit warning for missing Service Program dependencies are now limited to dependencies on Service Programs checked out for Modification or binding modules that are checked out for Modification.
  • fix applying of a new description for an ILE program/service program when the program needs to be recompiled during the Install phase of an RFP.
  • various cosmetic fixes for MDTest views
  • Handle Git Webhook requests when the URL of the repository is in HTTP format and has .git at the end of the URL.


  • fix library value for an invoked program to be *LIBL, when an ILE program/Service Program library value is reported by the IBM API to be NULL. NOTE: It is recommended to rebuild the MDXREF cross-referencing database to eliminate this issue from the MDXREF database.

April 9, 2024


  • fix update of the MDCMS http server configuration during upgrade of MDCMS product

April 6, 2024


  • fix ability to manually receive RFPs in green screen
  • retrieve the actual user for the ++RFPINS++, ++RFPAPR++ or ++RFPSBM++ user wildcards when the recorded user for the action was AUTO or STSTRG. This is because these are often used for email notifications.

MDOpen for VS Code

  • fix creation of source file or member on source edit when they don't yet exist
  • move object name filter to top of list of filter fields for the Installed Objects view
  • fix source member content assist
  • fix listing of spool files for an active RFP

April 1, 2024


  • fix setting of object authorities for source files in developer libraries when requested via the MDADDREQ command or the object-request REST API.
  • wrap the job log for submitted Continuous Integration jobs in case a lot of processing is to occur

March 26, 2024


  • fix import of configuration settings sent from another partition
  • fix push of configuration settings to another partition
  • fix local copy of promotion levels
  • fix potential MCH3601 error when using the MDADDCMD command
  • fix possibility of MDRapid copy jobs getting stuck at 99% when multiple files have little to no records in them.

March 18, 2024


  • MDJIRA - fix creation of MDCMS webhook in Jira on systems with certain CCSID's

March 12, 2024 (8.6.1)


  • when searching for the attribute to use for the request of IFS source from Continuous Integration, check mapping of higher levels when not found in target level
  • fix the ability to select the addition of RFP commands when the Gen RFP Cmds listing is filtered by an application or level
  • retain RFP user on a sent RFP when the RFP was sent automatically
  • avoid copying *DTAGRP records when key string field values exist that start with the Object Request name but have additional characters trailing the name

MDOpen for VS Code

  • fix viewing and comparing of archived IFS source
  • fix checking of authority to submit, approve or install an RFP

February 15, 2024


  • No longer producing a pre-submit merge warning for next level when there isn't a direct migration to the next level
  • fix the from library/file during the RFP bundle phase when the location was modified on the attribute since the object request was created
  • fix authority checking for a Project/Task status code when the status isn't being modified

MDOpen for VS Code

  • fix replacement of Projects/Tasks for an Object Request to remove other assignments when the distinct Project/Task is already defined for the request
  • fix omission of library validation when editing the object request for a DUMMY or PIPE attribute
  • refresh object list after editing values for an object request
  • display the entire description for RFPs in the content-assist listing

January 29, 2024


  • Various fixes for the Bitbucket Data Center interface
  • Fix migration of non-SQL Turnover attributes to SQL MDCMS attributes
  • Improve attribute selection for IFS source
  • fix mapping of Issue Types and Users in the Jira interface
  • fix the automatic generation of GitHub pull requests
  • fix compile command execution issues during the bundle phase of an RFP

January 10, 2024


Fix Compile of Programs in RFP

The early builds of MDCMS 8.6 had an error that programs would get compiled from the temporary install library rather than the target source library, causing debugging to not work correctly.