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MDCLEAN Command within MDCMS

from Midrange Dynamics

From Version 8.6

Published March 31, 2024


The Cleanup MDCMS Libs/Data (MDCLEAN) command starts the service to: * delete any temporary MDCMS libraries that are determined to no longer be in use. * delete any temporary MDCMS files used for deploying DATA or DTAGRP records * purge old records for Logging files * purge old IFS files used for logging * delete temporary developer libraries and folder

This command is invoked automatically if the auto-start flag for Service MDCLEAN is set to Y. The automatic execution happens once per each day that an RFP is submitted for processing.

The first submitted RFP job of the day will submit the MDCLEAN command to the job queue defined for the MDCLEAN service in the Services settings.

Unlike the other services, MDCLEAN ends as soon as the cleanup process is complete (typically between a few seconds and a few minutes, depending on volume of activity).

Deletion of Temporary Libraries

Common Prerequisites

The library begins with a prefix defined in the system settings for one of the 4 temporary library types and is followed by a 7-digit number

CRITICALLY IMPORTANT: If more than one instance of MDCMS exists on the same partition, each instance must use library prefixes that are unique to that instance.
Otherwise, temporary libraries of the other instances may get prematurely deleted.

The library text begins with MDCMS

The library creation date is older than the current date

Temporary RFP Backup Library

The RFP has completed installation and the installation date of the RFP is older than the number of days to retain the backup library based on the System Settings.

OR the RFP has been reset to status 00, 01 or 09

Temporary RFP Installation Library

The RFP has completed installation or been reset to status 00, 01 or 09

Temporary RFP Receipt Library

No active object requests remain that migrate source or objects from the receipt library

Temporary RFP Rollback Library

No active object requests remain that migrate source or objects from the rollback library

Deletion of Temporary DATA or DTAGRP Files

If the retain data set flag for a DATA or DTAGRP attribute is set to Y, then the temporary result file in MDCMS will be retained for 1 day after installation into a promotion level without distribution levels defined and for 30 days after installation into a promotion level with distribution levels.

Deletion of Logging Records / IFS Files

MDCLEAN purges records in the logging files defined in the Logging list within the Settings.

For each log file where the Purge flag is set to true (Y), every record older than the minimum age will be deleted.

In the case of IFS logs, every IFS file in the log path that is older than the minimum age will be deleted.

The activation of purging for log files as well as the age required to purge can be set on a file by file basis by any user with MDSEC authority to code 11 (System Settings).

Deletion of Temporary Developer Libraries / Folders

If a Developer Library Naming Template is defined to name the libraries/folders where development should occur, and parameter "Automatic Deletion Libraries/Folders" is set to true (Y), then a library and/or folder will be deleted once there are no longer any active checkouts for the library and at least 1 day has passed since the last checkout into the library/folder.

MDClean Command Parameters

Parm Label Description
ENV Environment ID Specifies the MDCMS environment that should be invoked. The ID correlates to the suffix of the MDCMS library name.
*DFT - The default environment will be invoked. This correlates to library MDCMS.
character-value - A specific environment for MDCMS. For example, TEST correlates to library MDCMSTEST.
SBMJOB Submit Job Specifies if the service should be submitted to a separate job or run inline within the current job.
YES - Submit the MDCLEAN service job
NO - Run the MDCLEAN service directly within current job  
JOBQ Job Queue Specifies the job queue to submit the service job to, if SBMJOB=YES
DFT - submit to the queue defined for the MDCLEAN service
*JOBD - submit to the default queue for the running job profile
character-value - A specific job queue name
JOBQL Job Queue Library Specifies the library containing the job queue, if SBMJOB=YES
LIBL - use the first matching job queue in the current library list
character-value - A specific job queue library