X-Analysis Interface
from Midrange Dynamics
From Version 8.0.2
Published February 22, 2021
What is X-Analysis?
X-Analysis, is a comprehensive Application Analysis and Documentation tool for the IBM i from Fresche Solutions.
It is provided as a plug-in for Eclipse/RDi for client facing and a core analysis server/database that resides directly on the IBM i.
What does the X-Analysis Interface Provide?
The ability to seamlessly bring up X-Analysis dialogs and list views pertaining to specific source or object entities directly from the MDOpen (MDCMS) perspective in Eclipse/RDi.
The ability to check out source or objects in MDCMS directly from X-Analysis views in the MDCMS or X-Analysis perspectives in Eclipse/RDi.
The ability to automatically create or refresh X-Analysis information for source and objects that are deployed by MDCMS.
Prerequisites for using the Interface
An active MDCMS and MDOpen license on the IBM i partition used to connect to X-Analysis
An Installed and Licensed copy of X-Analysis on the IBM i partition with a minimum version of 12.1.5
The X-Analysis plug-in installed in the same Eclipse/RDi instance as MDOpen. The minimum version of the X-Analysis plug-in is 13.1.0
The connection Hostname/IP address in the X-Analysis plug-in must match the repository Hostname/IP address in the MDOpen plug-in.
The libraries managed by MDCMS must be cross-referenced within MDXREF and cross-referenced within X-Analysis.
Configure the Interface
Link MDCMS Levels to X-Analysis Libraries
X-Analysis information is stored in X-Reference Libraries. Each X-Reference Library contains a set of Application Library Objects. In order to ensure that X-Analysis stays up-to-date when changes occur to those applications, MDCMS must be aware of which X-Reference Libraries to inform for any given MDCMS Application Level.
This is done within MDXREF in 5250. Instructions:
Press F9=Build Database from the initial MDXREF Object/Source Search screen.
Use option 9=X-Analysis Libs for each Application Level that is referenced in X-Analysis.
Enter the name of each X-Reference Library that references any of the source or object libraries managed by the Application Level and press Enter.
F4 can be pressed to select libraries from a list. Note – all libraries will be listed, not only those that are X-Reference libraries.
If a X-Reference Library is no longer relevant, it can be deleted from the list using option 4.
When an MDCMS RFP has completed the installation of source and objects, it will refresh the MDXREF database and, if the target level has at least X-Analysis Library assignment, it will write a request to asynchronously refresh the X-Analysis information using the MDXANI service in MDCMS.
The MDXANI service, if not already running, should then auto-start in the job queue defined for MDXANI in the MDCMS Services settings.
Link the MDCMS Plug-in to the X-Analysis Plug-in
Edit the Repository Locations in the MDCMS Repository window to enable/disable the interface between the MDCMS functions and the X-Analysis functions, based on which IBM i partitions that X-Analysis is installed and should be used.
To do this, left-click on an existing Repository connection in the MdRepositoryView to edit the properties for that connection.
Then set the Connect to X-Analysis property to true (checked) or false (unchecked)
After the first time that the MDCMS Plug-in or the X-Analysis Plug-in is added to Eclipse/RDi, it may be necessary to restart Eclipse/RDi a 2nd time.
View X-Analysis Information from the MDCMS Plug-in
Within the MDCMS Plug-in, open the MDXREF Objects Listing
From here, you can perform high-level analysis of objects using the MDXREF information. From within any of the MDXREF Object views, right-click on an object where deeper analysis information is required to see the list of enabled X-Analysis options for that type of object.
Those options follow any options provided by MDXREF itself. The X-Analysis options can also be added to the favorites list so that they show up as clickable icons for each row.
Note: the first time the option list is prepared for a session, MDCMS must trigger the start of the X-Analysis connection. Depending on the connection, this can take some time and may result in the initial list not containing the X-Analysis options. Once the connection is established, right-click again and the X-Analysis option should appear.
Check Out Objects from an X-Analysis View
Within most X-Analysis Object and Source list views within the MDCMS or X-Analysis perspectives, one or more objects can be requested for modification, recompilation or deletion by MDCMS.
To do so, follow these instructions:
select each object that should be requested (use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select multiple rows at once)
right-click on one of the selected rows. You should see any relevant X-Analysis options followed by the MDOpen options
select MDOpen Request Object (default repository) if the check-out should occur for the instance of MDCMS that is marked the default within the MDOpen Repository view
Otherwise, select MDOpen Request Object … to select an instance from all defined MDOpen Repositories
You are then prompted for general RFP and Project information, based on what was previously used and still available:
Fill in the information and click Next
All selected objects are then listed with the recommended MDCMS Attribute:
Select the necessary actions for each or all objects, change the MDCMS Attribute where necessary, and click Process Selections.