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MDCMS SYNON 2E Interface Manual English v8.2

MDCMS-SYNON/2E Interface Guide


The primary objective of the SYNON/2E interface is to handle the post generation promotion and deployment between development, test and production environments of the objects and source. The interaction and control of the SYNON/2E models is around the selection and “soft” locking of the SYNON/2E model objects. Objects can be checked out of a given model by a specific user in MDCMS and these objects will then be added to that users’ SYNON/2E Model Object List in the same model. Once an object has been successfully promoted into the next level from the SYNON/2E Gen-Library, MDCMS removes the entry from that user’s Model Object List. “Soft” locking allows the functionality of SYNON-2E to be used unrestricted, but warns the developer when checking out an object, already checked out by another developer.


The first step to setting up the 2E-MDCMS Interface is the MDCMS Setup Menu. This portion of MDCMS defines the application groups, environments, 2E models, object types and methods of source and object management. It is a mandatory process for using MDCMS.

The MDCMS menu is accessed by typing MDCMS from a command line. Press F4, if necessary, to select a product instance other than the default instance.

Select Option 1 to bring up the MDCMS Setup Menu.

CMSMNU2                         COMPANY NAME                          24.06.24
SCRN1                         MDCMS Setup Menu                        09:38:17

   Opt  Description                   Opt  Description                        
    1   Application Groups            11   System Settings                    
    2   Promotion Levels              12   Job Settings                       
    3   Attributes                    13   Service Jobs                       
    4   Commands/Scripts              14   Logging                            
    5   Templates                     15   User Groups                        
    6   IBMi Locations                16   Project Costs                      
    7   Distribution Levels                                                   
                                      17   Push Settings Data to Locations    
    8   Security Settings (MDSEC)     18   Send Settings to Remote System     
    9   License Keys                  19   Receive Settings from Remote System
   10   Interface Settings            20   Create Config Deployment Settings  
                                      21   MDCMS Configuration Report         

        Selection: __                                                            

F3=Exit   F6=Messages   F8=Submitted Jobs   F11=View Output   F21=Sys Command 

Application Groups

The Application Maintenance function defines application software into manageable groups for MDCMS.

From the MDCMS Setup Menu, select option 1 to bring up Application Codes

Press F6 to add a new Application Code.

MDCAPPL                         COMPANY NAME                          24.06.24
SCRN2                       Add Application Code                      09:42:20

Application Code  . . . SQLS    DDL and RLA Synon Model                       

RFP Start Index . . .  80001    RFP Last Created:                             

Automatically Reapply:                                                        
 Constraints: Y Y/N   Journaling: Y  Y/N   Triggers: Y  Y/N                   

Allow RFP Compile Resume  . . . . N  Y/N                                      
Auto-Merge RFP in Send List . . . O  O=Optional, Y=Yes, N=No                  
Auto-Merge Received RFP . . . . . N  Y/N                                      
Auto-Delete LFs in Unmanaged Lib. N  Y/N                                      

Update Object Description With:                                               
 Attr / User Defined Attribute. . Y  Y/N                                      
 RFP # 1 / Object Control Level . C  N=None, F=From, O=Origin, C=Current      
 RFP # 2 / PTF  . . . . . . . . . O  N=None, F=From, O=Origin, C=Current      
 Appl, Level  / APAR  . . . . . . Y  Y/N                                      
 Proj, Task, Subtask / LICPGM . . Y  Y/N                                      

Enter=Confirm   F12=Previous

Add a suitable application code and description and press Enter to confirm.

SYNON-2E Note: Typically, there will be one MDCMS application per SYNON/2E Model, though certain models may share the same runtime and therefore be managed in the same MDCMS application.

For additional settings on this screen please refer to the MDCMS Manual – in the Application Groups section

Press F3 to return to the MDCMS Setup Menu.

Promotion Levels

Promotion Level Maintenance defines and sequences the specific environments for the installation of objects for an Application.

SYNON-2E Note: From a SYNON/2E perspective the first or lowest promotion level for an application group, is the library/s where any SYNON/2E generated object is promoted to, from the ModelGen library. Above this level, promotion levels represent different levels through a normal test or deployment flow/cycle for a given application group. The SYNON/2E ModelGen library is NOT considered a promotion level.

From the MDCMS Setup Menu, select option 2 to bring up Promotion Levels.

Press F6 to add a new Promotion Level

CMC220                          COMPANY NAME                          24.06.24
SCRN2                             Add Level                           09:49:15

Application  . . . . . SQLS                                                   
Install Level  . . . . 10                                                     
Description  . . . . . Synon DDL/SQL Test                                     
Job Description  . . . SQLSJOBD_                                              
  Library  . . . . . .   QGPL                                                 
Next Level . . . . . . 20                      Direct Migration . . . Y  Y/N  
Archive Generations  .    20                   Provide Indirect Src . N  Y/N  
Based on Level . . . .       Exist Only. N Y/N Resolution Required  . N  Y/N  
Allow Checkout . . . . Y  Y/N                  Allow Receipt  . . . . Y  Y/N  
Delta Object Level . . N  Y/N                  Delta Source Level . . N  Y/N  
Emergency Level  . . . N  Y/N                  Limit Archived Source. Y  Y/N  
                                               Level Check Warnings . Y  Y/N  
Auto Receive . . . . . N  Y/N                  Target OS Release  . . *DSTQ   
Auto Submit  . . . . . N  Y=Yes, N=No, S=After PL Snd Cls, W=After PL WF Accp 
Auto Approve . . . . . Y  Y/N                                                 
Auto Launch MDRapid  . Y  Y/N                                                 
Auto Install . . . . . Y  Y=Yes, N=No, R=No when MDRapid required             
Auto Close Sent RFP  . S  N=No, S=Sent, R=Rcvd wo Warnings, I=Inst wo Warnings

Enter=Confirm   F4=Browse   F12=Previous                                      

Add an Application Group code or press F4 to select from a list of available codes.

Add a suitable numeric level value and description for this level. A lower level value is used earlier in the migration path than a higher level value.

Add a Job Description that will be used during promotion to this level, or press F4 to select from a list of available IBM i job descriptions.

For additional settings on this screen please refer to the MDCMS Manual in the Promotion Levels section.

It is highly recommend to completely configure the lowest level, including all required attributes, and then copy that level to save significant time during the configuration of higher levels.

Press enter to confirm and return to the Promotion Levels screen. Press enter to return to the MDCMS Setup Menu.


MDCMS Attributes define target libraries and compile behaviour during the promotion process. Each destination for an Application/Level and Object (or source or message) type is uniquely identified by an Attribute. This attribute is then used for setting command definitions, object authority, etc…

SYNON-2E Note: Attributes for SQL Indexes, Tables and Views generated by Synon/2E require a special compiler used by 2E and special attributes. 2E SQL source cannot be run using RUNSQLSTM. YEXCSQL is the 2E command used to compile 2E SQL DB objects from 2E source and the 2E command will need to be in the Level job description library list for each level where such objects should be compiled (rather than simply moved).

SQLCBLLE or SQLRPGLE are used when FUN owner ACP is SQL view/table/table.

From the MDCMS Setup Menu, select option 3 to bring up Attributes.

Press F9 to bring up the Generate Standard Attributes wizard.

MDCCMED                          COMPANY NAME                         24.06.24
SCRN1                    Generate Standard Attributes                 09:51:50

Application . . . . SQLS                                                      
Level . . . . . . . 10                                                        
Object Library  . . MDSQLSTST    Name, *NONE                                  
Authority Template. *DFT400      Name                                         
Source Library/Dir. MDSQLSTST                                                 
                                 Name, *NONE, *TEMPIFS, *TEMPMBR              

Attribute Prefix  . *NONE        Prefix, *NONE                                
       or Suffix  . *NONE        Suffix, *NONE                                

Check/Select Usage. N            N=No, S=Yes via Sys Catalog, X=Yes via MDXREF
Update Existing . . N            Y/N                                          

Filter by:                                                                    
  Object Category . __________   1=Database, 2=Non-Database, 3=Interface      
  Object Type . . . _______                                                          
  Sytem Attribute . __________                                                          

Enter=Continue   F3=Exit   F4=Browse                                          

The purpose of this wizard is to build a set of attributes automatically for a specific Application Group/Promotion Level combination.

Add an Application Group code or press F4 to select from a list of available codes.

Add a Promotion Level code or press F4 to select from a list of available codes.

Add an Object library. This is the destination library for the promotion of objects from the Model Gen library. This object library will be used for all of the MDCMS Attributes created during this wizard, for this Application Group/Promotion Level combination. This can be edited later for specific MDCMS Attributes from attribute maintenance screens.

Add a source library to the Source Library/Dir. field. This will be the library MDCMS uses to copy the source from the Model-Gen library during the promotion to this level.

The Check/Select Usage. options help refine which MDCMS Attributes are preselected on the next screen of the wizard. This flag checks the library specified in Object library above to see which objects in the library that match the pre-supplied MDCMS Attributes. If matches are found, then these MDCMS Attributes are pre-selected in the next screen of the wizard. The search can use the i OS System Catalogue for that library, or the MDXREF repository can be used to search for matches.

The Update Existing flag determines whether the wizard will update any pre-existing MDCMS Attributes allocated to this Application Group/Promotion Level combination

Press Enter to continue with the wizard.

MDCCMED                          COMPANY NAME                         24.06.24
SCRN2                    Generate Standard Attributes                 09:57:37

Appl: SYNON  Lvl: 100 Object Lib: MDSQLTST    Source Lib: *NONE               

Type options, press Enter.                                                    
 1=Select   W=Work with Objects                                               

    Object   System                                                           
Opt Type     Attribute  Description                                           
    *DATA    DATA       Data Records in a Table                               
    *DTAARA  DTAARA     Data Area                                             
    *DTAQ    DTAQ       Data Queue                                            
    *FILE    LF         DDS Logical File                                      
    *FILE    LFSQL      SQL Index/View using System Naming                    
    *FILE    PF         DDS Physical File                                     
    *FILE    PFREF      DDS Reference File                                    
    *FILE    PFSQL      SQL Table using System Naming                         
    *SQLALS  SQLALS     SQL Alias                                             
    *SQLIDX  SQLIDX     SQL Index                                             
    *SQLSEQ  SQLSEQ     SQL Data Area                                         
Enter=Continue   F5=Refresh   F12=Back                                        

Use 1 to select all of the relevant MDCMS Attributes that will be needed for this *Application Group.

*These will include:

  • DATA if configuration data should be migrated to other environments without changing the file format

  • the PF and LF attributes, if DDS is used

  • DSPF attribute and potentially the PRTF attribute

  • The *PGM attributes for the languages used

  • All attributes starting with S2E

Press enter to continue with the wizard to the confirmation screen.

SYNON/2E Models

MDCMS requires the 2E Model libraries and their respective GENLIB’s to be registered in order to map model components to the appropriate 2E and system attributes.

Select Option 10 to bring up MDCMS Interface Settings.

MDLISET                         COMPANY NAME                          24.06.24
SCRN1                     MDCMS Interface Settings                    09:59:59

                   Opt  Description                                           
                    1   Jira                                                  
                    2   ServiceNow                                            
                    3   Synon/2E                                              

                    9   MDCMS REST API and Diagramming Server                 


F3=Exit   F6=Messages   F8=Submitted Jobs   F11=View Output   F21=Sys Command 

Select Option 3 to bring up Synon/2E Model Libraries

MDC2EML                         COMPANY NAME                          24.06.24 
SCRN1                     Synon/2E Model Libraries                    10:03:09 
Filter by                                                                      
Model Lib:             Desc:                   Gen Lib:                        

Type options, press Enter.                                                     
 2=Edit  3=Copy  4=Delete  5=Display  A=Attributes  J=JOBD                     

Opt Model Lib  Description                            Dft GenLib Job Desc   Dft
    MDSQLMDL   MD Demo Synon/2E Model                 MDSQLGEN   SQLJOBD     Y 
    HCSTU1MDL                                         MDDEMFGEN  SQLJOBD       
    MDDEMFMDL  MD Demo Function model                 MDDEMFGEN  SQLJOBD       

F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Add   F21=Sys Command                                

Filters allow a user to restrict the view according to the 2E Model-Library, a description, and GEN-Library.

MDCMS Filters: MDCMS filters use a fuzzy match algorithm. The case is not sensitive, and the entry made by the user will be used to match any part of the given field with a “like” match.

The standard Edit, Copy, Delete and Display options
A=Attributes – manage the mapping of Synon/2E object types to MDCMS attributes
J=JOBD – edit the job description defined for the model entry to configure the library list to be used for that model

Press F6 to setup a SYNON/2E model library in the interface

MDC2EML                         COMPANY NAME                          24.06.24
SCRN2                      Add Synon/2E Model Entry                   10:04:36

Model Library  . . .  MDSQLMDLS                                               

Description  . . . .  Stu's Model with SQL only                               

Dft Gen Library  . .  MDSQLGENS                                               

Job Description  . .  SQLSJOBD                                                
  Library  . . . . .    QGPL                                                  

Default Model  . . .  Y   Y                                                   

Enter=Confirm   F3=Exit   F4=Browse   F21=Sys Command                         

Model Library
The library containing the Synon/2E model to be managed

A free text description of the model

Dft Gen Library
The default library that attributes will use as the generation library to migrate objects from. This library can be overridden for specific attributes.

Job Description
The name and library of the job description containing the library list to be used within the Object Manager to list/select Synon/2E components to be migrated.

Default Model
A model can be designated the default model. When a developer doesn’t specify the model name in the object manager, the default model will automatically be used.

Press Enter to confirm this addition

SYNON/2E Model Attribute Mapping

The Synon/2E model objects that are to be deployed to target environments must be mapped to MDCMS attributes per model.

To do this, use option A=Attributes for a defined Model Library in the SYNON/2E Models settings (see prior section of this document).

MDC2EOA                         COMPANY NAME                          24.06.24 
SCRN1                 Synon/2E Model Attribute Mapping                10:06:52 
Model: MDSQLMDL                                                                

Type options, press Enter.                                                     
 2=Edit  5=Display                                                             

Flt:  ___    _______  __________ ________________                    __________ 
Opt 2E Type  MD Type  Std Attr   Description                         MDCMS Attr
 _    ACP    *FILE    LF         DDS Logical File                    LF        
 _    ACP    *FILE    PF         DDS Physical File                   PF        
 _    ACP    *SQLIDX  S2EIDX     SQL Index                           S2EIDX    
 _    ACP    *SQLTAB  S2ETAB     SQL Table                           S2ETAB    
 _    ACP    *SQLVW   S2EVW      SQL View                            S2EVW     
 _    ARR    *DUMMY   S2EARR     Synon/2E Array                      S2EARR    
 _    CND    *DUMMY   S2ECND     Synon/2E Field Condition            S2ECND    
 _    FIL    *DUMMY   S2ESTR     Structure File                      S2ESTR    
 _    FLD    *DUMMY   S2EFLD     Synon/2E Field                      S2EFLD    
 _    FUN    *DUMMY   S2EIFUN    Synon/2E Internal Function          S2EIFUN   
 _    FUN    *FILE    DSPF       Function Display File               DSPF      
 _    FUN    *FILE    PRTF       Function Printer File               PRTF      
F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F21=Sys Command                                         

Filters allow a user to restrict the view according to the various column values

2=Edit – change the mapping attribute or generation libraries
5=Display – view the entry details

MDCMS Attribute
The attribute to map an object request to when a model object of the corresponding Synon/2E Type/MDCMS Object Type and Standard Attribute is selected.

Use F4 to browse/manage the list of attributes

Object Gen Library
*DFT – the object is generated into the default gen library for the model. Otherwise, the name of the generation library. Use F4 to browse the list of libraries.

Source Gen Library
*DFT – the source member is generated into the default gen library for the model
Otherwise, the name of the generation library. Use F4 to browse the list of libraries

Object Manager


The MDCMS menu option 2 is a multi-function display that controls the processes required for making and installing modifications of objects.

The Object Manager is used for:

  • Source/Object request and retrieval.

  • Reserving Object names for new objects.

  • Grouping objects for installs.

  • Identifying modification requests

  • Requesting the installation of objects into application environments

  • Selecting SYNON/2E Objects from a given 2E Model-Library model for modification

For additional settings on the MDCMS Object Manager please refer to the MDCMS Manual – in the Object Manager section

Adding SYNON/2E Object Requests (Checking out objects from SYNON/2E)

CMC100                           COMPANY NAME                         24.06.24
 Filters/Defaults               Object Manager                        10:12:48
 Programmer: STUART                               Cmd/Script:   /        Y/N  
 Appl Group: STU             RFP Number :         Attribute :            *gen*
 Project ..: SYNON           Promo Lvl .: 100     Object ...:            *gen*
 Task/STsk.:                 Status ....:         Assign RFP:                 

Opt Object     Attribute  Appl Lvl Project        RFP Sts   CS From Lib 
 _  __________ __________ ____ ___ ______________ _______
 _  __________ __________ ____ ___ ______________ _______
 _  __________ __________ ____ ___ ______________ _______
 _  __________ __________ ____ ___ ______________ _______
 _  __________ __________ ____ ___ ______________ _______
 _  __________ __________ ____ ___ ______________ _______
 _  __________ __________ ____ ___ ______________ _______

F2=Full Name       F4=Browse       F5=Refresh      F6=Messages   F7=Submit RFP
F8=Submitted Jobs  F9=RFP Manager  F10=Assign RFP  F11=Output    F24=More Keys

To streamline a new object request, first add the Programmer, Application Group, Project, Task/Subtask and RFP (RFP will need to be created first) in the appropriate header fields. These fields can all be prompted using an F4.

To add SYNON/2E objects to an object request in MDCMS, use Option Y against a blank line. In the object column add the SYNON/2E Model-Library or leave it blank to use the default SYNON/2E Model-Library defined in the MDCMS setup process. Press Enter.

MDR2EOB                        COMPANY NAME                         13/07/20
STUART                  Synon/2E Objects Maintenance                08:35:45

Synon Model: MDSQLMDLS     Gen Library: MDSQLGENS        Appl/Level: STU  10
RFP Number :               Project. . : SYNON-1                             
                           Pos To Name: __________________________           
Type options, press Enter                                                   
 1=Select  8=Details                                                        

Flt: _________________________  ___   ___  ___ ______ _____________
Opt  Long Name                 ImpTyp Attr Fun Type   Object                
 _   *                          CND   VAL                                   
 _   **No                       CND   VAL                                   
 _   **Yes                      CND   VAL                                   
 _   *'ADD' mode                CND   VAL                                   
 _   *Absolute day              FLD   NBR             DAB                   
 _   *ABSOLUTE DAY              CND   VAL                                   
 _   *Accelerator key error     MSG   ERR  SNDERRMSG  Y2U0029               
 _   *Access path file/format   FLD   VNM             ACP                   
 _   *Action Bar API error      MSG   ERR  SNDERRMSG  Y2U0027               
 _   *ACTION BAR CHOICE AREA    FLD   NAR             ABC                   
F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F8=Toggle   F10=Validate Selection   F21=Sys Command

The SYNON/2E Objects Maintenance screen gives a list of 2E Model objects available to be checked out with an MDCMS object request for the Model-Library specified in the screen field “Synon Model”.

Pos To Name
Enter any value for an object name you wish to position the list to. The filter entry box is not case sensitive, converts all entries into Upper case, but searches and positions to an object with the same name of any case

Synon Model: MDSQLMDLS     Gen Library: MDSQLGENS        Appl/Level: STU  10
RFP Number :               Project. . : SYNON-1                             
                           Pos To Name: RACE_________                                
Type options, press Enter                                                   
 1=Select  8=Details                                                        

Flt: _________________________  ___   ___  ___ ______ _____________
Opt  Long Name                 ImpTyp Attr Fun Type   Object                
     Race                       FIL   CPT             AD                    
     Race                   EX  MSG   ERR  SNDERRMSG  USR0071               
     Race                   NF  MSG   ERR  SNDERRMSG  USR0070               
     RAce by Name               ACP   RTV             UUADCPL2              
     Race date                  FLD   DT#             ABDZ                  
     Race Entry                 FIL   CPT             AE                    

Filter the list using the SYNON/2E objects name, ImpTyp (SYNON/2E Object Type), Attr (SYNON/2E Attribute), Fun Type (SYNON/2E Function Type), Object (SYNON/2E Implementation Name).

This switches the “Object” column to “Object Owner(SYNON/2E Object owner in the YMDLOBJRFP Model file))” and allows filtering on this value.

Option 1
Select multiple objects to be added to the MDCMS Object Request. Press enter to add an object or multiple objects to the list of objects that will be validated later using the F10 command key.

MDCMS automatically adds related objects to special object types. For example, if selecting an external function “Edit Horse EDTFIL” it will add the UIM and DSPF objects to the objects selected to the MDCMS Object Request.

Option 8
Option 8 displays the details of any object in the list. The Display model objects display that appears is slightly different depending on which object type is selected.

Type FUN:

STUART                        COMPANY NAME                          13/07/20  
MDR2EOBS                    Display model objects                   09:45:41  

Object . . . . . : UUAFSRR       Long Name. . . . : Select Course             
Type . . . . . . : FUN           Attribute  . . . : RP4   Surrogate : 1100072 
Copy name. . . . : Select Course                                              
Create date. . . : 16/06/2020    Version type . . : DEV                       
Create time. . . : 10:54:17      Current object . : Y                         
Change date. . . : 11/07/2020    Change type. . . :                           
Change time. . . : 12:13:44      Change user. . . : MMORGAN                   
Comp chg date. . : 11/07/2020    Comp chg time. . : 12:13:44                  

Object       Attr  Text                                                       
UUAFSRR      RP4   Select Course                                              
UUAFSRRD     DSP   Select Course             Select record                    
UUAFSRRH     PNL   Select Course             Select record                    


Type FIL:

STUART                          COMPANY NAME                        13/07/20 
MDR2EOBS                    Display model objects                   09:52:08 

Object . . . . . : AP            Long Name. . . . : MDL table with long name 
Type . . . . . . : FIL           Attribute  . . . : REF   Surrogate :    1163
Copy name. . . . : MDL table with long name                                  
Create date. . . : 09/07/2020    Version type . . : DEV                      
Create time. . . : 17:26:24      Current object . : Y                        
Change date. . . : 09/07/2020    Change type. . . :                          
Change time. . . : 17:26:24      Change user. . . : DVERMA                   
Comp chg date. . : 09/07/2020    Comp chg time. . : 17:26:24                 

Typ   Access path                Source mbr  Key                             
PHY   Physical file              UUAPREP     None                            
RTV   Retrieval index            UUAPREL1    Retrieval index                 
UPD   Update index               UUAPREL0    Update index                    

After selecting the required objects and pressing Enter, press F10 to validate the objects selected.

MDR2EOB2                       COMPANY NAME                         13/07/20  
STUART                     Display model objects                    10:01:31  

Synon Model: MDSQLMDLS     Gen Library: MDSQLGENS      Appl/Level: STU  10    
RFP Number :               Project. . : SYNON-1                               
Errors . . :     3         Warnings . :                Valid Req :     2      
Type options, press enter                                                     

Opt Sev 2E Object Name/Message    Sys Object  Type    Std Attr/Own  MD Attr   
 _  30  Physical file             COURSE      *SQLTAB S2ETAB        S2ETAB    
        MDCMS Attribute not defined for 2E element    Course                  
 _  30  Retrieval index           UUACREL1    *SQLIDX S2EIDX        S2EIDX    
        MDCMS Attribute not defined for 2E element    Course                  
 _  30  Update index              UUACREL0    *SQLIDX S2EIDX        S2EIDX    
        MDCMS Attribute not defined for 2E element    Course                  
 _  10  Change Course                         *DUMMY  S2EIFUN       S2EIFUN   
        Validation OK                                                         
 _  10  Course                                *DUMMY  S2ESTR        S2ESTR    
        Validation OK                                                         

Enter=Confirm   F3=Exit   F8=Hide Msg    F21=Sys Command                      

In the validation screen a list of objects and the results of the validation process for each is displayed.

Errors (Severity 30)
Total number of errors found while validating the list.

Warnings (Severity 20)
Total number of warning messages while validating the list.

Valid Req (Severity 10)
Total number of Valid Requests from the objects selected by the user in the previous screen

Option 4 - Remove
Use this option to remove any objects from the validated list. Select 4 against object/s and press enter to remove from the list.

10=Validated and OK to be requested
20=Validated with a warning and can be requested
30=Failed validation and cannot be added to the request

2E Object Name/Message
The validated object name on the first line and the validation message for that object on the second line.

Sys Object Type
This shows the IBM i OS object name and then the MDCSM Object Type, both on the first line

Std Attr/Own
This shows the standard MDCMS Attribute on the first line, and the SYNON/2E Object owner on the second line.

MD Attr
This shows the MDCMS Attribute used for this object in this application Code/Level combination that will be used to promote/install the object

This toggles hiding or displaying the second line in the subfile display of validated objects.

Opt Sev 2E Object Name            Object      Type    Std Attr      MD Attr 
    30  Physical file             COURSE      *SQLTAB S2ETAB        S2ETAB  
    30  Retrieval index           UUACREL1    *SQLIDX S2EIDX        S2EIDX  
    30  Update index              UUACREL0    *SQLIDX S2EIDX        S2EIDX  
    10  Change Course                         *DUMMY  S2EIFUN       S2EIFUN 
    10  Course                                *DUMMY  S2ESTR        S2ESTR  

Any records in error must be removed to continue

Press enter to add the validated object (and related objects such as UIM and DSPF’s) to the object request. MDCMS also adds these objects to the programmers MDLST in the SYNON/2E Model-Library used for the object request. All the records are processed and the user is returned to the Object Manager screen with the new objects added to the display.

CMC100                           COMPANY NAME                         13/07/20
 Filters/Defaults               Object Manager                        10:26:49
 Programmer: STUART                               Cmd/Script:   /        Y/N  
 Appl Group: STU             RFP Number :         Attribute :            *gen*
 Project ..: SYNON           Promo Lvl .: 10      Object ...:            *gen*
 Task/STsk.:       1         Status ....:         Assign RFP:                 

Opt Object     Attribute  Appl Lvl Project            RFP Sts   C/S From Lib  
 _  Change C > S2EIFUN    STU  10  SYNON-1                00        MDSQLGENS 
 _  Course     S2ESTR     STU  10  SYNON-1                00        MDSQLGENS 
 _  __________ __________ ____ ___ ______________ _______
 _  __________ __________ ____ ___ ______________ _______
 _  __________ __________ ____ ___ ______________ _______
 _  __________ __________ ____ ___ ______________ _______
F2=Full Name       F4=Browse       F5=Refresh      F6=Messages   F7=Submit RFP
F8=Submitted Jobs  F9=RFP Manager  F10=Assign RFP  F11=Output    F24=More Keys

Anywhere in MDCMS when seeing a > at the right end any column or display field, move the cursor over this filed and press F2. This will display the Name Display screen which will show long name in full.

MDCFNAM                           COMPANY NAME                         13/07/20
 SCRN1                            Name Display                         10:33:32

Object Name                                                                    
Change Course                                                                  


SYNON/2E Specific Functions from MDCMS Object Manager

Option Y
When selecting option “Y” against any object checked out from a SYNON/2E Model, the user will be taken into the model object list for the user that requested the object for deployment. If the request user is the same as the user signed into MDCMS, the model object list will be in edit mode. Otherwise, the model object list will be in read-only mode.

Edit Model Object List STUART in SYNON/2E:

                            Edit Model Object List                             

  Model  . :  MDSQLMDLS                                                       
  List . . .  STUART      List STUART in MDSTUMDL created by user STUART.     

Type options, press Enter.                                                    
1=Select      2=Edit         3=Copy          4=Delete entry                   
5=Display     8=Details      9=Deselect      10=Action diagram                
11=Add to alternate list     13=Parameters   14=GEN batch                     

Opt     Object                     Type  Atr  Owner                           
        Change Course              FUN   DBF  Course                                                                                                       

Display Model Object List MMORGAN in SYNON/2E:

                             Display Model List                               

  Model  . :  MDSTUMDL                                                        
  List . . .  MMORGAN     List MMORGAN in MDSTUMDL created by user MMORGAN.   

Type options, press Enter.                                                    
5=Display   8=Details                                                         

Opt     Object                     Type  Atr  Owner                           

    **  No entries  **                                                        

Option 5
Option 5 selected against an object whose origin is SYNON/2E displays the Object Request Detail screen. In addition to standard MDCMS details, it shows the original SYNON/2E Model and GEN Libraries.

CMC110                     MD T 8.2 dev (Redbourn)                    13/07/20
SCRN1                       Object Request Detail                     10:53:56

Application/Level . . STU  10          Synon DDS/RLA Test                     
Object Name . . . . . UUAGEFR          Edit Course               Edit file    
MDCMS Attribute . . . RPGLESTU         Type   *PGM                            
Programmer  . . . . . MMORGAN          Michael Morgan                         
Request Date  . . . . 11/07/20  12:47  Req Sts 00 Object Requested            
                                       Crt Sts E  Error     Res Sts           
Object Library  . . . MDSTUTST                                                
Source Library  . . . MDSTUTST         File   QRPGLESRC   Member UUAGEFR      
From Object Library . MDSTUGEN         From Source Library MDSTUGEN           
Synon/2E Model  . . . MDSTUMDL         2E Obj Edit Course / Course            

Option 8
Option 8 selected against an object whose origin is SYNON/2E compiles the object in the SYNON/2E GEN-Library based on the compile commands defined for the object’s attribute.

Handling SQL Views with Embedded CREATE INDEX Statement

When SYNON creates an SQL view, by default it embeds an SQL index in the same generated source member.

The developer must split these into two separate source members, and check out the manually created index source member separately for subsequent promotion.