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MDChange Components to Include or Exclude in a HA/DR Solution

From Version 8.4

Published March 29, 2023


If you are using a product on the IBM i to replicate object and data changes to another partition for the purpose of high availability and/or disaster recovery, then there are certain components of the MDChange product suite that should be included for business continuity and there are other components that must be excluded in order to avoid locking issues during Object Deployments.

Libraries to INCLUDE in the Replication to a Remote Partition





Objects within the included Libraries that should be EXCLUDED

  • Any object in the 4 libraries of type *DTAQ

  • Any object in the 4 libraries of type *FILE with Attribute SAVF

  • Any object in library MDREP of type *FILE with Name MDR*

Libraries to EXCLUDE in the Replication to a Remote Partition

Any MD temporary library that has the prefix as configured in the MDCMS System Settings.

The prefixes can be reviewed and modified in MDCMS using the following steps:

  1. Enter MDCMS from a command line

  2. Use Option 1=MDCMS Setup Menu

  3. Use Option 11=System Settings

If you have existing libraries on your partition that start with the same 3 letters as those in the list, modify the values in the Prefix list to unique names for your environment.

IFS Folders to INCLUDE in the Replication to a Remote Partition

All folders and files within the /MDCMS parent folder

Other Objects that Should be either Created or Replicated on the HA/DR Partition

  • The user profile that owns the MD Product objects

  • Any user profile created for connectivity or service execution

  • Any subsystems, job queues and job descriptions used by the MDChange products