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MDRFRAME Installation

Tip: Determine your installed version of MDRest4i

To determine the version you have installed use the following command: DSPDTAARA MDRSTxxxx/MRVERSION where xxxx is the instance name. Leave as MDRST if default instance is installed


This installation is for V14 upwards, and cannot be used to automatically upgrade from V12 and earlier.

Please Note

The value of MRVERSION will be displayed as 8.2.8 for v11 of MDREST4i.

The Installation Steps

Downloading and extracting the Save Files

  1. Sign into the Midrange Dynamics Service Desk portal at

    You will need to be registered to use the portal. If not yet registered, request registration from:

  2. Proceed to the Downloads section. From here click on MDRest4i V14

  3. Select a mirror and download the zip file

  4. Save the zip file to a local directory on your PC.

  5. Extract the save files to a local directory on your PC.

Option 1 - Installing from Save Files in IFS

  1. Copy the save files to an IFS folder on your IBM i system.

Tip: Copying files to IBM i IFS

One of the easiest ways to copy the save files to an IFS folder on your IBM i is to drag and drop them using IBM’s System i Navigator.

You can also use FTP. A recommended FTP client is FileZilla, which is available for free from the internet. Or you can run FTP in a command or PowerShell/Terminal window on PC or MAC

  1. If command MDREST4INS already exists in an IBM i library on your system, and it was created since version 8.2.5, build May 20, 2020, skip to section Invoke the MDREST4INS Command

  2. Enter command:


  3. Enter command:

    CPYFRMSTMF FROMSTMF('/x/mdrest4ins.savf') TOMBR('/qsys.lib/qtemp.lib/ mdrest4ins.file') MBROPT(\*REPLACE)

    Where x is the name of the IFS folder containing the save files

  4. Enter command:


    The objects may be restored to a different library than QGPL, if desired. However, the CHGCMD command will need to be used on the MDREST4INS command to change the library for the program and panel group.

Option 2 - Installing from Save Files in a Library

  1. Copy the save files to a Library on your IBM i system.

  2. If command MDREST4INS already exists in an IBM i library on your system, and it was created since version 8.2.5, build May 20, 2020, skip to section Invoke the MDREST4INS Command

  3. Enter command:


    Where x is the name of the library containing the save files

    The objects may be restored to a different library than QGPL, if desired.

Invoke the MDREST4INS Command

The MDREST4INS command is used for both first time installs, and upgrades of MDRest4i. it also installs/updates the MDRDK save file into the MDRST library which contains the MDRest4i SDK software.

Enter command MDREST4INS and press F4 to review command parameters and make any necessary changes (press F1 or use the parameter table on next page for more information).


Installations may occur in an interactive or batch job. Interactive is recommended for new installations for improved monitoring and prompting of the process.

MDREST4INS Command Screen:

                         Install MDRest4i (MDREST4INS)                        

Type choices, press Enter.                                                    

Save File Location Type  . . . .   *IFS          *IFS, *LIB                   
IFS-Path containing Save Files     '/MDREST4i'                                

Library containing Save Files  .                 Character value              
Product Instance . . . . . . . .   *DFT          *DFT, Product Library Instanc
Copy Data from Instance  . . . .   *SAME         *SAME, *DFT, *NONE, Instance 
Backup Library Suffix  . . . . .   '_BU'         Suffix for Backup Libs       
Replace existing Backup Libs . .   *YES          *YES, *NO                    
Install in ASP Device  . . . . .   *SYSBAS       *SYSBAS, Device Name         
End Jobs locking Product Lib . .   *NO           *NO, *YES                    
Product Object Owner . . . . . .   MDOWNER       User Profile                 

F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display   
F24=More keys                                                                 

The default values typically used to install MDREST4i standalone are as follows:

MDREST4INS Parameter Table | Parameter | Label | Description | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | LTYP | Save File Location Type | Specifies if the product save files are in an IFS folder or in a library.
*IFS – The save files are located in an IFS folder. Specify the full path of the folder in parameter PATH
*LIB – The save files are located in a library. Specify the name of the library in parameter LIB | | PATH | IFS-Path containing Save Files | Specifies the IFS path containing the save files used to install the Midrange Dynamics products. The contents of the path must contain the MDRST.savf save file. | | LIB | Library containing Save Files | Specifies the Library containing the save files used to install the Midrange Dynamics products. The contents of the library must contain the MDRST.savf save file. | | ENV | Product Instance | Specifies the instance ID of the product. The instance value is appended to the MDRST product library in order to allow multiple instances of MDRest4i on the same partition.

*DFT – A suffix is not appended to the library name. The product library will be named MDRST.

The suffix to be used. Up to 4 characters are allowed and each character must be accepted as part of a library name. Example ENV=T11 so the name of the installed product library becomes MDRSTT11 | | FENV | Copy Data from Instance | Specifies the location of an instance of the products, if it
exists, that should be used for the copy of the data to the new

*SAME – The same instance, or library suffix, that was defined in parameter ENV.

*DFT – Copy the data from the default instance, which doesn't contain a suffix.

*NONE – Do not copy any data to the new version. The new version will be a clean installation.

Specify the product instance, or library suffix, containing the data to be copied to the new version. | | BSFX | Backup Library Suffix | Specifies the suffix to be appended to the libraries containing the version to be replaced by this installation, if a prior version exists for the instance defined in parameter ENV. This way, the prior version isn't lost and can be reactivated by renaming the libraries from the backup suffix to the instance suffix. | | BREP | Replace existing Backup Libs | Specifies if existing backup libraries using the same suffix as defined in parameter BSFX should be automatically replaced.

*YES – Any existing libraries with the same name as the new Backup libraries will be automatically replaced.

*NO – Libraries with the same names as the new Backup libraries will not be replaced, and the installation will not occur if any exist. | | ASPD | Install in ASP Device | Specifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device to which the
product libraries should be restored.

*SYSBAS – The product libraries will be restored to the base system iASP.

character-value – the product libraries will be restored to the
indicated iASP device. | | END | End Jobs locking Product Libs | Specifies if all jobs that have a lock on one of the product libraries should automatically be ended immediately.

*NO – If a lock exists for one of the libraries, the installation process will be cancelled.

*YES – Each job that has a lock on one of the product libraries will be ended immediately. If ending fails for a job, the installation
process will be cancelled. | | OWN | Product Object Owner | Specifies the user profile to be used to own the objects in the MD product libraries and IFS folders. If the profile doesn't exist yet, the installer will create it. The profile should have *ALLOBJ, *JOBCTL, and *SPLCTL special authorities to ensure that deployments function correctly. |

Using MDCMS to Install MDRest4i

If using MDREST4INS to upgrade an existing product to a newer version, the distribution and installation can occur as part of an RFP using MDCMS. In this case ensure the following in MDCMS:

  • MDREST4INS should be a Post-Installation (3) attribute command attached to the *IFS or *FILE attribute defined with the IFS path or save file library as the target object library.

  • Run for Modifications = Y

  • Keep MD Libs in Libl = N

  • Frequency = R

  • MDREST4INS command should begin with SBMJOB so that it runs separately from the RFP

  • END(*YES) to terminate any locks

  • DLY(30) to allow RFP time to finish before starting with installation

  • USER for SBMJOB should be a profile with *SECADM authorit00

  • INLLIBL for SBMJOB should include only QTEMP and QGPL (or library where MDREST4INS command exists)

Otherwise continue as per the following example command definition:

Appl.....: MD Run for Modifications: Y Y/N
Lvl......: 50 Recompiles...: N Y/N
Attribute: INSTALL Attribute, \*RFP Deletes......: N Y/N
Updates......: N Y/N
Type.....: 3 Post-Installation Ignore Errors........: Y Y/N
Sequence.: 1 Keep MD Libs in Libl.: N Y/N
Frequency: R O=Object, R=RFP



Default API and Consumer logs folder

The examples provided by MDREST4i and the default generator options, store logs and uploaded files in folders on the IFS. These folders is created automatically by the installer. Each instance installed will add instance sub-folders to these folders.

The folders created are:
