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MDCMS Object Request Interface

MDCMS, the MidRange Dynamic Change Management System can be integrated with MDRest4i-SDK-Console.

Add or Modify Object request

Input Description
Application The ID of the target application for the object to be selected from the dropdown list
Level A level number of the selected application that allows check-outs to be selected from the dropdown list
Object Type The System or MDCMS Object Type code for the Object
Attribute The MDCMS Attribute code that identifies the behaviour and target locations for the requested object
Object Name The name of the object to be requested
Project Specifies the Project to assign to the Request.
The project, if entered, must already exist and be in an open status.
If the project is not yet authorized, then the user must have MDSEC authority to authorize the Project and then MDCMS will do so automatically.
Task Specifies an existing, active Task number. Omit or set to 0 if the request would be assigned directly to the Project.
Subtask Specifies an existing, active Subtask number. Omit or set to 0 if the request should be assigned directly to the Project or Task
Assign Request to RFP If a level exists to migrate after this target level,
this parameter specifies if the generated object requests should be assigned to an RFP.
This parameter will only be applied to the RFP if it is created during the processing of this command.
Existing RFP number Specifies the RFP to assign to the Request.
Description of New RFP Description of New RFP

Swagger Extension x-mdcms

        objn: getclnt
        appl: REST
        user: rituk
        vref: '*LXR'
        lvl: '300'
        objt: '*PGM'
        attr: SQLRPGLE
        folb: MDRTUTLIB
        fsfl: QDEMOSRC
        proj: RESTAPI
        task: '1'
        stsk: '0'
        arfp: '*YES'
        rfp: '360082'
        rfpd: Test
        fslb: MDRTUTLIB
            sev: '20'
            msg: Existing Object Request in RFP 360082 will be usedSwagger Extension x-mdcmsopai 

Swagger Extension x-mdcmsoapi

        appl: REST
        lvl: '300'
        objt: '*IFS'
        attr: OAPI
        folb: /www/mdrstt12/specs/cons/rituk
        objn: Provider-API-Get-Clients-V1211.json
        task: '1'
        user: rituk
        proj: RESTAPI
        arfp: '*YES'
        rfpd: Test
            sev: '20'
            msg: Existing Object Request in RFP 360082 will be used