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Generate Tab

The "Generate" tab is a custom version of a full version of SWAGGER Editor and SWAGGER UI combined.

The page is split into two sections- the editor and the UI section

Figure 1: Generate Screen

The left hand window - Swagger editor enables editing of the SWAGGER specification directly, and the right-hand side - the Swagger UI shows the documentation and allows testing of the Provider / consumer once it is generated and completed.

Button bars


Editor The Swagger Editor is displayed on the full screen
Split The Swagger Editor and Swagger UI sections both are displayed
UI Only the Swagger UI is displayed on full screen

Create Program Used to create the API
Submit Object Request To submit the Object request to the MDCMS
View Source To display the generated code (Enabled only if the API is successfully generated). Brings up a dropdown list of all generated programs
Publish / Documentation To publish the API on documenter/Confluence depending on the doc selected in Configuration settings
More The dropdown menu same as in the General tab.

Create Program

Click the button

Select the required path and method and click the “Generate” button.

Upon completion of the code generation process on the IBM i, the following success message popup appears

Object Request Warning!

If MDCMS Force Object Request checked in Configuration settings, and an MDCMS Object Request has not been submitted prior to trying to Create Program, then the following warning will appear:

The Create Object Request Now button lets you both add/modify and submit the object request.

After successfully submitting an MDCMS Object Request, click the button again.

View Source

The dropdown button which lists all the generated members.

This option lets you view the generated RPG source. The user can select the program from the dropdown list.

Publish/ Documentation

Select this button to publish the API specification to the MDRest4i Portal/Documenter.

Figure 9: Publish to documenter

Select the Environment from the dropdown list and click

If an older version of the document is already published on the documenter, you get an error message

If we check the "Force Overwrite" checkbox, and select then the copy in MDRest4i Portal/Documenter is over-written.

Swagger Editor

The Swagger Editor allows you to define and document RESTful APIs using the Swagger Specification.

We created the Swagger definition using the MDREST4i-SDK-Console Web GUI. Any changes made using the editor would be reflected in the MDREST4i-SDK-Console Web GUI and vice-versa.

Figure 10: Swagger Editor

Swagger UI

Test the Generated Service

In the UI section on the right, scroll down until the server and “GET” button (or whichever method you have cerated) appears. Click on the “GET” Button to expand it.

Get Button for testing

|*** Get Button expanded ***

Now scroll down to the “Parameters” section

Scroll down to the “Server response” section.

and click the button.

Figure 13: Parameters Section expanded

Enter the value of the parameters as necessary, and select the "execute" button. This sends a request to the generated Provider

Parameters Section expanded

Scroll down to the “Server response” section. The response body can be seen as JSON in this window.