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Managing documents

After successful login, Landing document will appear (Figure-1) containing information about the Documenter. It also lists the available Environments in the Application.

Landing Document

It contains the editable information about Documenter along with the list of available Environments.


On clicking any of the Environment either from the Landing Page or from the Side menu, Overview document (Figure-2) of that particular Environment will appear containing list of the published API documents in that particular Environment.

Overview Document

It contains the editable overview of the Environment along with the list of available APIs in it.


Further, On clicking any of the API link, it displays the information of that particular API in 2 different tabs namely Documentation and Specification for internal and external types of environment.


It has an additional tab named Installtion Details, if the selected API is a MDCMS Object Request and the API is published.


If the API is not published then it has Installation Details and Specification tabs and an icon at the top right to publish the API, provided the MDCMS switch is On.

Documentation It displays the document which is published from MDREST4i SDK Console application
Specification It displays the visual swagger definition of API in swagger editor
Installation Details It displays the Installation Details of that particular API