It displays the visual swagger definition of API in swagger editor with the option to edit it.
Figure-1 |
This page is split into two parts- the Editor and the UI section.
ONLY users with Admin or Developer class, can view the Editor section. Rest can only view the UI Mode as shown in Figure-4.
Respective buttons are provided to switch between different modes users with Admin or Developer class.
| |
Editor | Swagger Editor is displayed in full screen (Figure-2) |
Split | Swagger Editor and Swagger UI both are displayed (Figure-1) |
UI | Swagger UI is displayed in full screen (Figure-3) |
Editor Mode
Figure-2 |
UI Mode
Figure-3 |
UI Mode for User class
Figure-4 |
There are two additional buttons:
| | |
Save | Appears Red if there are any unsaved changes made in the Editor, Green otherwise | Visible only to users with Admin or Developer class |
Download | Used to download the swagger | Visible to all users |