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MDRest4i Coding Guide


MDRest4i MDRFRAME runtime framework is made up of these main parts:

MDRFRAME - ILE REST Framework delivered via a set of ILE Service Programs

MDRAPI - Generic REST CGi program

MDRSTCFG - API configuration

MDRFRAME Coding Framework

MDRFRAME is a set of ILE Service Programs, with callable procedures that handle all the aspects of REST API and Rest Client program execution.

These service programs can be bound into any ILE program (RPGLE, COBOL, CLLE) and use These copybooks for procedure prototypes and variable definitions.


Click on the link for each framework below to navigate to the copybook documentation for this service program.

Service Program Description
MDRFRAME Main service program for REST API and Consumer functions
MDRYAJLR4 MDRest4i ILE wrapper for YAJL. Renames YAJL procedures (adds mdr_ prefix), plus additional, enhanced YAJL functions for IBM i
MDRTOOLS Additional utilities used by the SDK, and also available for customer use.
MDREXPAT The XML Parsing functions packaged by MDRest4i
MDRYAJL This is an IBM i port of YAJL, a very fast JSON parser/generator created by Lloyd Hilaiel of Mozilla fame.


MDRAPI is an ILE program acts as the REST API controller. More details can be found in the Provider section of this guide.


MDRDCFG is a DB 2 table that holds the configuration details of API programs called by MDRAPI. It can be edited programmatically or by using command: MDRST/MDRSTCFG.