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Automated Testing Templates

An Automated Testing Template defines a sequence of Test Definitions that should be executed in order to automatically test an application process. A Template Test is triggered when one or more programs of a given MDCMS attribute have completed installation into a target environment.

Manage Automated Testing Templates

In MDOpen, navigate to MDTest->Automated Testing Templates Maintenance of Testing Templates is permitted if you have authority to either MDSEC Code 7 or 93.

Click Add to add a new Template or click on the template name to edit it.

Field Description
Template A 10 character ID of your choice
Testing Product MDTest - the MDTest unit testing product from Midrange Dynamics
TestBench - the QA Testing product from Original Software
Product Library If the product is TestBench, the library containing the TestBench product should be entered here
Description A suitable description of the template
Quality Gate When true, any programs that triggered the template will not be allowed to continue beyond the installed level (migration to next level or send to another target), unless the test jobs return a PASS status. The Quality Gate can be overridden by authorized users, when necessary.
Test Frequency The number of candidates found for a template before a batch test run is triggered. The programs will be collected and placed in Test Pending status until the Test Frequency threshold has been reached. The Frequency value is used in conjunction with the Unit of Frequency
Unit of Frequency RFP (recommended, unless test case runs for a long period of time) - A Test Batch will be executed each n (Test Frequency) times an RFP containing one or more candidates is installed
Object - A Test Batch will be executed after n object candidates have been installed. If the number of candidates in an RFP exceed the threshold, they will still be in the same batch.
Day - A Test Batch will be executed after n days since the first candidate was installed.
Manual Only - candidates will be placed in pending status until such time that an authorized user (MDSEC Code 94) manually starts the Test
Test Counter The current number of candidates in pending status
Counting from Date The date of the first currently pending candidate
Include Recompiles By default, only programs checked out for modification are considered candidates. Set to True if Recompiled programs should also trigger a test
Include Deletions Set to True if Deleted programs should trigger a test
Include By Default False - programs installed with an MDCMS attribute assigned to the Template will only be considered a candidate if the are included in the Object Exceptions.
True - programs installed with an MDCMS attribute assigned to the Template will always be considered a candidate unless they are omitted in the Object Exceptions.
Row Option Description
Copy Add a new Template based on values of an existing element
Delete Delete a Template
Rename Rename a Template
Object Exceptions Since many programs tend to share the same attribute, but may need a different (or no) set of test definitions, individual program handling can be controlled using Object Exceptions. More information below
Batches The list of pending, active or completed executions of the set of Test Definitions used by the Template. More information below.
Attributes assigned to Template The program or service program MDCMS attributes to consider as candidates for testing using this template.
MDTest Execution Steps The sequence of Test Definitions to be executed for the template. More information below.

MDTest Execution Steps

Viewed/Managed by selecting option MDTest Execution Steps for an Automated Testing Template. Maintenance of Execution Steps requires authority to MDSEC Code 7

An execution step is a sequenced step for the testing pipeline. Each step is executed for a MDTest Template Batch as its own batch job and controlled by the MDTest pipeline manager.

Click Add to add a new Step or click on the sequence number to edit it.

Field Description
Sequence A number to order the steps. The lower the number, the earlier the step will be executed.
Definition ID The ID of a Test Definition. Use content-assist to select from a list
Ignore Errors false - if the step fails, the entire MDTest batch run will be considered to have failed.
true - if the step fails, the batch will be flagged as having warnings but not be set to failed.
Run if Prior Step Failed false - if any prior step failed, don't execute this step
true - execute this step even if a prior step failed (often used for data cleanup steps)
Row Option Description
Copy Add a new step based on values of an existing element
Delete Delete a step
Manually Run MDTest Definition Run the Definition for the step manually. A confirmation panel will be displayed be execution occurs.

Assign MDCMS Attributes to Template

Viewed/Managed by selecting option Attributes assigned to Template for an Automated Testing Template. Maintenance of Attributes requires authority to MDSEC Code 5 for the target level of the attribute.

Header Option Description
Only Assigned to This Only attributes currently assigned to the template will be listed
Not Assigned to This Only attributes not currently assigned to the template will be listed
Assigned to Any All attributes will be listed
Row Option Description
Copy Add a new step based on values of an existing element
Delete Delete a step
Manually Run MDTest Definition Run the Definition for the step manually. A confirmation panel will be displayed before execution occurs.

Object Exceptions

Viewed/Managed by selecting option Object Exceptions for an Automated Testing Template. Maintenance of Object Exceptions is permitted if you have authority to either MDSEC Code 7 or 93.

An Object Exception provides a way to granularly determine how specific programs are tested, as programs for many different purposes will use the same MD attribute.

Click Add to add a new Object Exception or click on the Object Name to edit it.

Field Description
Object Name A specific object name or a generic naming pattern for all objects matching the pattern. When MDTest checks the list of Object Exceptions for a program, the specific name will be checked first and then the first matching naming pattern will be used if the specific name isn't found. If a match isn't found in the exception list, then the usage will be determined by the Include by Default parameter on the Automated Testing Template.
Alternative Template *NONE - do not perform Automated Testing for a matching program
*SAME - use the Template that the Object Exception belongs to
Alternative Template - use the execution steps defined for a different Template. Use content-assist to select from a list.
Row Option Description
Copy Add a new exception based on values of an existing element
Delete Delete an exception


Viewed/Managed by selecting option Batches for an Automated Testing Template.

The view lists all batch runs for a specific Testing Template in descending order.

Row Option Description
Start/Rerun Batch Start the run for a Batch in Pending status or Rerun a Batch that previously completed or abnormally ended. An initial run or a rerun will both update the quality gate for the batch
Manual Step Passed If the batch run is waiting for a decision for a manual step, this option is provided to state that the manual step has completed successfully. The batch will then proceed to the next Execution Step.
Manual Step Failed If the batch run is waiting for a decision for a manual step, this option is provided to state that the manual step has failed. The batch will be flagged as failed (if ignore errors = false) and proceed to the next Execution Step.
Set Batch Status to System Error If the batch run ended abnormally, this option is used to mark as completed with system errors. Afterwards, the quality gate is set to failedand a subsequent rerun of the batch is possible.
MDTest Jobs List all of the job information for the batch
Manual Results List all of the results for the batch
Objects List all of the installed programs that were included for the batch