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Quality Gates

After an RFP is installed into a target level, MDCMS checks if any programs that were installed require Automated Testing based on the Automated Testing Templates.

If any programs are included that require testing, then a batch is prepared for each Template that is required.

If the Quality Gate field for one or more of the Automated Testing Templates is set to true, then MDCMS will not allow the submit or send of an RFP containing the programs from the target level until the Test Batch has completed and passed.

Methods to check state of Quality Gate:

  • Use option Automated Testing Results for the Installed RFP
  • Select function MDTest/All Test Batches from the MDOpen menu

Override Quality Gate

If you have authority to MDSEC Code 59 (Override Automated Testing Quality Gate) for the Level of the installed RFP, you can override the quality gate when the test failed. This is done directly from the RFP pre-submit warning dialog or as an option in the Automated Testing Results view for a Test Batch.