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There are several layers of reporting information that is stored in MDCMS tables when a Test Batch is run.


View - option Objects for an Automated Testing Batches row

Lists every program object that triggered an automated test run, along with RFP it was in and if a Quality Gate was enabled.


Key Description
MDTEMP Template Name
MDBCHN Batch Number
MDRFP Installed RFP Number
MDOBJN Object Name
MDOBJL Object Library
MDOBJT Object Type

MDTest Jobs

View - option MDTest Jobs for an Automated Testing Batches row

Lists every job (1 per Execution Step) that is running or has run for a batch. When a job is still active, the active job status is displayed and can be clicked on to see the job log for that job.


Key Description
MDTEMP Template Name
MDBCHN Batch Number
MDSEQ Sequence of Template Execution Step (parent = MDCMS.MDDTMDT)
MDTDEF Definition ID (parent = MDCMS.MDDTDEF)

MDTest Results

View - option MDTest Results for an MDTest Job or Batch row

Lists each result record injected by either your test program or the MDTest program (MDTWRAP). For comparison test results, the actual value and expected value will also be displayed.


Key Description
MDJID The MDTest Job ID (parent = MDCMS.MDDTJOB)
MDTRES The MDTest Job Result

MDTest Result Log

View - option MDTest Result Log for an MDTest Result row

Lists any upper-level log entries for an injected result record. This will include all options passed to an MDTest procedure as well as result values up to 128 characters.


Key Description
MDTRES The MDTest Job Result ID (parent = MDCMS.MDDTRES)
MDTLID The MDTest Job Result Log ID

MDTest Result Log Details

View - option MDTest Result Log Details for an MDTest Result Log row

Lists any lower-level log entries for an injected result record. This will include any included job log entries as well as result values larger than 128 characters.


Key Description
MDTLID The MDTest Job Result Log ID (parent = MDCMS.MDDTLOG)
MDTLSEQ The MDTest Job Result Log Detail sequence number