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Gathering Information for Tech Support

Anytime you have a problem with an RFP and you need the assistance of MD Support, it will help us to better assist you if the following information is included with your support request:

MDCMS Version and Build Date

The build date is essential when reporting an issue.

From MDOpen

Select System i Settings from the Settings menu. This will show you the MDCMS version and MD build date.

RDI MDOpen Build Info

From Green Screen

  1. Command MDCMS
  2. Select option 1 - MDCMS Setup Menu
  3. Select option 11 - System Settings

MDCMS System Settings

The RFP Deployment Log from the RFP with the Issue

From MDOpen

From the RFP View right click on the RFP, then select Deployment Log


Click on the RFP in question, then click on the Deployment Log button. Generate the log using the following steps, then email it to us:

  1. Expand filter and select Print with Job Log
  2. See Report Output, which appears Under Session in the leftmost pane
  3. Right-click on Report and select Export
  4. Export as an XLSX Excel spreadsheet

From Green Screen

  1. Command MDCMS
  2. Select option 3 - RFP Listing (or press F9 from Object Manager)
  3. Select option L next to the failed RFP.

This will show you a log of each step that occurred. Severity 20 will appear for warnings and Severity 30 will appear for errors.  If the problem isn’t obvious, you can use option J next to any entry to see the job log entries.

  1. Remove all filters
  2. Press F16 to generate the RFP log with the job log entries
  3. Press F11 for MD-Output
  4. Select option E next to your log


  1. Select File FormatXLSX
  2. Select option 2 (email)
  3. Enter your email address

Regularly Check for Fixes and Review Enhancements

Keep in mind that MDCMS is an agile product with new updates coming out frequently. You can always check for fixes and review enhancements from the customer area of the MD website. The MDCMS Change Log is available on this wiki link for both enhancements and fixes