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How to Run Comparison Reports

This document provides the highlights of how to run object- and source-comparison reports.  For more details about the various parameters, please refer to the MDXREF User Guide.


Parameters suggested here are for initial comparisons during implementation.

Object Comparison Report

This report provides a comparison between any two libraries, either on the same system or on another system, where MDCMS is loaded and MDXREF processes have run.


If you are running this report as part of a pre-implementation process prior to being live with MDCMS, you will want to refresh MDXREF prior to running the report.

From Green Screen

  • Option 7 - MDXREF


  • F10 - Reports
  • Option 1 - Object Library Comparison


  • Basis Library: The library on the system where you are running the report
  • Compare to library: The library you want to compare to. This can be the same library name if the location is different.
  • Location: Use if your compare-to library is on another partition
  • Comparison Type: 2
  • Compare source Date: N

Source Comparison Report

This report will show you differences between source members, and provides a comparison between any two libraries, either on the same system or on another system, where MDCMS is loaded and MDXREF processes have run.


If you are running this report as part of a pre-implementation process prior to being live with MDCMS, you will want to refresh your MDXREF prior to rerunning the report.

Green Screen

  • Option 7 - MDXREF


  • F10 - Reports
  • Option 2 - Source Library Comparison


  • Basis Library: The library on the system where you are running the report
  • Compare to library: The library you want to compare to, this can be the same library name if the location is different.
  • Location: Use if your compare-to library is on another partition
  • Comparison Type: 2
  • Include when Same: N