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MDCMS RFP Deployment Log

When you need to troubleshoot an RFP issue, the best place to start is with the RFP Deployment logs.  Below are steps for accessing these logs, both for green screen and MDOpen.

View Via Green Screen

In MDCMS, select option 4 (RFP Installation History), then select option L next to the RFP you wish to view.  This will show you a log of each deployment step that occurred.

A severity of 20 will appear for warnings and a severity of 30 will appear for errors.  If you need additional information about a step, select option J next to any entry to see the job log entries.

Remember you can use the filters to focus in by severity, object name, and phase.

If you still aren’t able to determine the issue, and you need assistance from your administrator, use the following steps to generate the deployment log (including job log entries) and send it via email as an Excel spreadsheet:

  • Press F16 to generate the RFP log with the job log entries
  • Press F11 MD-Output
  • Select option E next to the log you wish to view


  • Select the File Format: XLSX or XLS
  • Select Export Option 2 - 1=Copy to IFS, 2=Email, 3=Both
  • Specify your email address in the Email to Address field

View Via MDOpen

In MDOpen, go to the RFP Installation History view, right click on RFP and select the deployment log. This will show you a log of each deployment step that occurred. A severity of 20 will appear for warnings, and a severity of 30 will appear for errors. If you need additional information about a step, expand any entry to view the job log entries.

Remember you can use the filters to focus in by severity, object name, and phase.

If you still aren’t able to determine the issue, and you need assistance from your administrator, use the following steps to generate the deployment log (including job log entries) and send it via email as an Excel spreadsheet:

  • Expand filter and select Print with Job Log
  • Under Session in leftmost pane:
    • Select Report Output
    • Right click on report and select Export
    • Select the File Format: XLSX or XLS
    • Specify Export Option 2 - 1=Copy to IFS, 2=Email, 3=Both
    • Specify your email address in the Email to Address field
    • Click Export to Location