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Moving MDCMS to Independent Auxiliary Storage Pools (IASP) — Migration (without MDWorkflow)

We recommend that you put MDCMS in your IASP, assuming the purpose is HA replication. The information below should help your transition to using MDCMS in an IASP.

Target System

  1. Restore current MDCMS libraries into the new IASP:
    - MDCMS
    - MDREP
    - MDXREF
    - MDSEC
  2. The MDCMS folder will need to be moved/restored to the new IASP.

  3. If QGPL is not in the IASP, you will need to relocate those objects to another library.

  4. Run the MDINSSAVF command to set up all the pieces pointing to the correct IASP.

Take note when running command MDINSSAVF

  • Make sure the save files are in place and you are pointing to the correct version.
  • The save files must be in the same IASP as MDCMS
  • Make sure to change the following parameter when running the MDINSSAVF command:

Please check the following:

  • The job descriptions for MDCMS have been changed to those specifically defined for the new IASP. This includes all production-level job descriptions as well as those associated with MDOWNER and MDCMSFTP.
  • For email messaging, make sure that the email body information in each MDMAILF commands points to the new IFS folder.

Development System

  1. Modify the location record for the target system.
  2. Change the default value for the Remote ASP Device that has been defined for the target


  • The most typical issue encountered with this process is that not all the required objects were installed in the IASP or the job descriptions are not pointing to the correct IASP.  Remember you have MDCMS objects in QGPL.
  • If QGPL is not in the IASP, you will want to relocate these objects to another library.
  • If you’re still encountering problems, then check the job description associated with whatever job is failing.